I was doing some hacking and have now enabled root logon via SSH
if there is a easier way feel free to tell me I wasting my time. And yes I know you can get a console port @ 9600 baud but ssh is nicer
perform a backup and do a save-as to get a backup downloaded
open the backup in a zip until such as 7-zip
inside you will see config-1.2.tar.gz
open this in 7zip
then open config-1.2.tar in 7zip
you now have 2 directories
go into /etc
open and edit shadow (the password file)
the root account looks like this
the * mean root can not logon
change to
that will give root same password as admin (ie symmetricom)
if prompted to update the backup file do so
now go to /etc/ssh
edit sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no
change to
PermitRootLogin yes
save file
if prompted to update the backup file do so
close the archive
if prompted to update the backup file do so
go to the wizard and restore using the backup file you just updated