Way back when I did my reference I found plastic packages unsuitable. AFAIK, there is nothing you can pot things in, including paraffin, that will solve the problem, just slow it down. The old GR mica capacitors were sealed in an aluminum box using resin and they included a generous tube of desiccant. Probably good for a long time, but not forever. It might be a suitable answer for a reference, since you have to re-cert it every so often. IMO, the tube is a great idea. I've been going to try and duplicate the old vacuum thermistors used for oscillator stabilization, but never seem to get around to it. They have to be evacuated to a pretty decent level and I don't have a good enough pump, but a reference would be less fussy. It could even be back-filled/flushed with dry nitrogen or argon, no pump required at all.