Motivated by Dr. Philipp to determine the HV linearity of my 5442A, and of the 3458A, I used the 752A as a high precision 10:1 and 100:1 divider for the 3458A, solely in its 10V range, to measure the exact output voltages of my 5442A, relative to its calibrated 10.00000V reference value, up to 1kV.

At first, I measured the bias currents at various input voltages. These values changed compared to the first table above.
I calculated the expected ratio errors for each data point. The highest error is 0.08ppm, so that already might affect high precision measurements.
I calculated each 'exact' output voltage from the 5442A, by combining the precise divider ratio (0.2 and 0.5ppm uncertainty), the precise readings from the 3458A, and normalizing to 10V reference value, as the 3458A is not calibrated exactly to the 10V baseline of my reference group.
Afterwards, I applied these 'exact' output voltages directly to my 3458A, to estimate its ACAL (ratio) uncertainty of its 100V and 1kV ranges, and to determine its High Voltage linearity.

As can be seen from repetition of this process, the ACAL ratio transfers are mostly precise to 0.2..0.3ppm for the 100V range, and about 0.2 ... 0.5ppm for the 1kV range. That may change for successive ACALs.
The HV linearity, by comparing 100V and 1000V readings in its 1kV range, is about -1.5 ..-2ppm, much better than the specified 12ppm.
These measurements I also propose for TiNs CAL FEST.
Now I had a closer look on the linearity of the 20V, 250V and 1000V range of my 5442A. Take notice of change in the bias measurements, and that for several low readings, one gets too high errors of -0.2ppm when using a DMM in this use case.

One can directly see some quirks of the 5442A.
The lowest value of each range deviates strongly.
The linearity specification of 0.5ppm is violated in the 20V and 250V range, and in the 1kV range, it should not be as high as -1ppm for 1000V.
This indicates a subtle error of my instrument. Subtle in the sense, that it just exceeds the specification, and was hardly detectable, only by use of the uncertainty of the 752A.
I already knew, that my instrument was nOK for negative voltages, having a smaller gain factor there, and that negative voltages do not stabilize quickly, but instead need too long a time to reach their nominal value.
That all did not restrict its use, as it was all inside the main specification.
Now I had the sense current compensation in suspicion.
These are internally up to 500µA for the + Sense, and up to 200µA for the - Sense. Like in the 732B reference, these currents are compensated internally to increase the accuracy of the output voltage.
I set the 5442A to external sense and measured both sense currents by two handheld DMMs, i.e. the BM869 and the 121GW, resolving 1 .. 10nA each.
It turned out, that the + Sense works correctly, i.e. quickly regulates to < 200nA. The - Sense shows exactly the anticipated error: it changes very slowly and stabilizes after a long time at several µA, depending on the output voltage and sign.
So I will investigate on this assumed error mode around OpAmp U1 further.