we can use LTspice to get an idea of the difference between the two methods:
Method 1
A bias current and a small signal ac current
The ac current has to be small relative to the bias current.
Method 2
A step voltage source and calculating the inductance.
ModellingThe Chan Core model is used. The core is a ferrite toroid with a gap and typical power material.
A winding of 10 turns is placed on the core.
The winding has 0
The nominal inductance is 8uH
Method 1
The bias current is swept from 0 to 30A in 0.25A step
A 1mA RMS 100kHz is also applied.
The inductance is calculated from the ac voltage on the inductor
Transient MethodA 1V step is applied to the inductor and the current is differentiated.
ObservationsThere is a difference between the results, as expected. But the difference is small compared to normal inductor tolerances.
These tolerance include, but not limited to:
Mechanical tolerance of the air gap.
Variation in material composition
Change in Bsat with temperature.
If you read inductor datasheets, saturation current is typically defined as the bias current when the inductance changes by 30%
Depending on the originally poster's application the transient method may be suitable.
Models attached.
gapped ferrite toroid bias test.asc (4.16 kB - downloaded 40 times.)
gapped ferrite toroid transient.asc (4.39 kB - downloaded 30 times.)