10 to the 15th power. This impedance value is very good. Furthermore, there are many details that make it possible to measure smaller currents and higher impedances.
For high impedance measurement, all operations and open wiring in the final section must be in a shielding box, and the gaps are best plugged with aluminum foil. Biscuit boxes, large cans of corn cans are acceptable, and glass bottles wrapped in aluminum foil are also acceptable.
No light, no magnetic field, no electric field
Keep high-impedance instruments away from everything else
Contains the operator (seriously
Very high impedance usually requires more average measurements depending on instrument characteristics.
For G ohms and above, it is best to do double masking. If T ohms and above are to be stable, it must be done. For P ohms, special test fixtures and compensation corrections are almost required.
see low noise cable
You can consider purchasing test cables with graphite conductive layers. Also known as: low-noise cables
PTFE cable, you can shake the cable slowly and you will find interesting phenomena (capacitive deformation/charge movement: current flow (pA level))
If the cable is fixed, it is not necessary, but there should be no vibration (fan/motor/operator breathing)