Love this almost religious faith in FLUKE. Especially faith in 'shyness' of huge corporation to specify so high real accuracy.
Reality is under good conditions any sensible meter is more accurate than specification. Yet outside of room temperature, with noise and distortion present accuracy is dropping.
Under comfortable 23'C, well centred conductor, no stray magnetic fields any meter will be more accurate than specs. The difference is FLUKE will meet its specs in field. UNI-T - not nesesery.
Unit will drift more than APPA, and APPA probably more than FLUKE (probably as at least one FLUKE is APPA)
Fluke makes some really nice equipment. I'd say more than just home use. I get my
Fluke 289 calibrated, and it is quite reliable and accurate.
Sure, it does not compare to my SDG3065 or soon to arrive Keithley DMM6500 ...
But none of those are hand held, and neither one can measure DCA of 50A (and more).
Yes, I saw all the comments about shunt resistors, and I fully understand that I could
make myself a small box ... etc etc etc.
That is not the path I wanted to pursue for this particular requirement. A clamp
meter is perfect for what I need it, and 2% is plenty !!!
I truly appreciate all the comments ! Many many thanks everybody !!!