at NPLC10, the stddev of about 0.12 mOhm seems reasonable, my 34465A shows the same for a 10 mOHM resistor.
Both instruments resolve the same at those low values, i.e. 0.1 mOhm on the display, and 0.01 mOhm on the statistics.
At NPLC100, which you also might test, stddev is about 0.08 mOhm, span 0.4 mOhm, Min = 9.8 mOhm, Max = 10.1mOhm, Mean = 9.96 mOhm. So for a 1mOhm resistor, I wouldn't expect negative Min values as well. That makes no sense, as the Ohm circuit obviously is linear down to zero.
On the other hand, you shouldn't expect too good an accurcay at 1mOhm, these instruments are really not made for that, as the test current of 10mA is much too low.
The 100 Ohm range is specified worst, i.e. 30ppm of range (24h). That is +/- 3mOhm !!
Maybe your zero calibration did not result in a perfectly centered result, around 1mOhm, but in face of the specification, that's no wonder at all.
In the end I think, that your instrument is fine, if you look at the stddev values.
Anyhow, if you let KS calibrate and adjust your 34470A, for the 2nd time in its life, maybe, then the 100V and 1kV DC calibration then should be precise, for the first time.
When I checked your 34470A, it also had this 15ppm bug in the HV ranges.