I want to get some hints on my low drift + low noise current source. See attached PDF.
It is not yet final schematic. I know there are probably at least two flaws. Discussed below.
Purpose of circuit is to drive a laser-diode, that is wavelength stabiliced using an external grating, and temperatur satbilized using peltier. I´m somewhat space constraint, so the circuit drawn roughly already uses up the pcb estate I got.
Reference selected is LTC6655, non LN (Low Noise) type, output voltage and package selection is not yet final. For now I go for 5V for maximum signal level across sense resistor. And LS Packacke for better stability.
I decided not to use LN version, as by filtering output with lowpass (R2+C1), I also filter widedand output noise of reference output buffer. User Andreas here wrote something of higher noise out of LTC6655 or LTC6655LN at higher supply voltages, but I couuld not find it. I might do something to account for that.
Potentiometer P1 adjusts Current setpoint Zero to Vref/Shuntresistor R1. Optionally U3 sets a minimum current above Zero.
Lowpass R2+C1 filter noise coming from Reference, Pot, optional U3 and intrinsic noise of R2, It also should lowpass filter current noise of noninverting input of U2. C13 is used to double Value of C2.
Value of R2 is a tradeoff. Higher Value gives lower Noise from U1, P1, U3, R2 as long as R2´s noise does not approach Noise of U1 which is the dominating source. Higher Values give higher noise from 1/f current noise of U2 and higher drift for U2 input bias drift * R2. Voltage noise from Wideband current noise of U2 should roughly be independent of R2 as R2, C1 act as lowpass for this current noise.
In libbrecht Hall circuit
https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=libbrecht-hall+current+source Resistance looking from noninverting Input of Control-OPV is 11k assuming Poti is in center position, so with 10k for R2 seems a good starting point for me as long as I stick with LT1128.
I choose LT1128 as I don´t need the speed of the LT1028.
However there is probably a flaw with with the negative Supply at Ground.
I don´t know yet at which current the diode will have to be driven, so it might actually work. But for lower currents it most probably won´t.
I do have a -5V Supply available from a DC/DC-Converter at a connector of the board, and could change that to a postregulated -4.1V with some manual rework on other board that is connected there (it contains the temperature control and other necessary stuff).
I would actually prefer to get rid of the DC/DC-Converter completely for this project, to not get interference from this source, but keep unipolar supply for the lasermodul.
Maybe there is a reasonable good Replacement for U2 with input range closer to negative supply?
Current measurement shunt R1. Currently maximum Power will be 1,8W. I probably will use a metalfoil 4wire TO222 type.
However as can be seen, it is currently used in a three wire configuration.
I want to avoid extra components for differential shunt sensing feedback.
Is there a way to accomplish that and still use the fourth wire?
R8, R15, R16, R15, C29, C17 are there to help in case of stability problems.
So the noise at +Input of U2 is kept as small as resonable.
Wideband Noise of current source mainly is from input noise voltage of U2 and from Sense Resistor R1. R16 should be kept zero for Noise purpose, or better shorted in Layout for low drift.
For 360mA R1 is maxed out, at 13,9Ohm Voltage Noise of U2 dominates. So roughly wideband current noise schould be U2 Voltage Noise divided by R1.
This should be valid roughly for the regulation bandwidth of the current source.
The purpose of the components inductor L5, Ferrit L3, capacitors C22..C25 is to steer the current noise above corner frequency set by L5 and C22+C23 around the laser-diode.
The second Flaw of the circuit: 11.3V are probaly short of what is necessary. Depends on beeing lucky of having a diode specimen with low voltage drop. I want to create th 11.3V using a LT3045 out of 12V. I´think, I´ll either have to switch to 15V or reduce the Reference Voltage.