Okay, Fluke SL935 standard is now back from calibration at
Process Instruments Inc.

It didn't go 100% smooth, as unit arrived from CAL with LOW BAT light on and no IN CAL light. Perhaps calibration tec did not hook it back to AC power after the measurements.
It was shipped to calibration lab fully charged, with battery life minimum 120 hours. That was enough time for SL935 to receive calibration in "hot" state, without any temperature interruptions,
even if it was never plugged into mains. Shipping back from PI was 2-day service, which took just 52 hours from pickup to delivery.
Click for full PDF-report data, on both resistors.

My loved resistor data is available for amusement now, with amazing tempco. Thanks to integrated +35C oven.
I mean, really, just look at these alpha and beta coefficients.

Worst error is +0.07ppm on 10 KOhm with temperature from +23.00 to +28.9C.

Overall I think it was worthy calibration investment (bit over $1K total for cal+tempco measurement+shipping), as now I have solid resistance reference to take care of. Will be interesting to monitor it's long-term stability, as I do plan to send it for same cal next years as well.
As bonus, we can perform some math acrobatics, to attempt our own meters accuracy, using previously captured data.
Here are my own measurements which I did at home, prior to sending SL935 for calibration + ManateeMafia's meter:
HP 3458A, meter 2 over 10KOhm, direct 4-wire, OCOMP ON, DELAY 3, NPLC100 =
9999.971 Ohm, +26C ambient, 18 May 2017. Error from PI value :
-0.37 ppm
HP 3458A, meter 1 over 10KOhm, direct 4-wire, OCOMP ON, DELAY 3, NPLC100 =
9999.985 Ohm, +25C ambient, 20 May 2017. Error from PI value :
+1.03 ppm
HP 3458A, meter 2 over 10KOhm, direct 4-wire, OCOMP ON, DELAY 3, NPLC100 =
9999.965 Ohm, +24.5C ambient, 25 Sept - 28 Sept 2017. Error from PI value :
-0.97 ppm
Meter 1 calibrated by using Vishay VHP103 resistor at 10Kohm as transfer standard, which are in turn measured against 90-hour fresh cal'd ESI SR104 (by PI too) in August 2016. Meter is 24/7 powered.
Meter 2 calibrated directly vs same ESI SR104 back in January 2017, shipped to me in Feb and in 24/7 powered use since then.
HP 3458A, ManateeMafia's meter over 10KOhm, direct 4 wire, OCOMP ON, DELAY 3, NPLC100 =
9999.966, +26C ambient, 3 Nov - 7 Nov 2017. Error from PI value :
-0.87 ppm 
Based on this brief data, with adding uncertainties and error factors, I'd have pretty good confidence stating that such transfer path can provide <8 ppm absolute resistance accuracy at 10 KOhm. Noise + short-temp variations are usually under 3 ppm.
Now similar data for
1 Ohm.
HP 3458A, meter 1 over 1 Ohm, direct 4-wire, OCOMP ON, DELAY 3, NPLC100 =
1.00006111 Ohm, +22C ambient, 5 May - 25 May 2017. Error from PI value :
+2.1 ppm , noise about 30 ppm.
HP 3458A, meter 2 + TE 9823 calibrator sourcing +100mA and -100mA over 1 Ohm, direct 4-wire, NPLC 100 =
1.00006657 Ohm, +23.5C ambient, 13 October 2017. Error from PI value :
+7.5 ppm HP 3458A, meter 2 + TE 9823 calibrator sourcing +20mA and -20mA over 1 Ohm, direct 4-wire, NPLC100 =
1.00006574 Ohm, +21C ambient, 21 Sept - 22 Sept 2017. Error from PI value :
+6.7 ppm , noise around 2 ppm
HP 3458A, ManateeMafia's meter over 1 Ohm, direct 4 wire, OCOMP ON, DELAY 0, NPLC100 =
1.00005831, +24C ambient, 31 Sept - 3 Nov 2017. Error from PI value :
-0.7 ppm 
Noise is around 30ppm.
Looks like despite the large noise impact from the 3458A (because 1 ohm is just 10% of the minimum range), calibrated 3458A still able to resolve better than 10ppm accuracy for 1 Ohm resistors, if proper care is taken. Bodging external calibrator to source +/-current into 1 ohm resistor rendered worse absolute accuracy, so this remain to be investigated further.
I'd also like to thank
ManateeMafia for great help with measurement, testing and support
