it would be of interest, whether branadic measured the temperature inside or outside the package (I mostly measure the inner temperature on such experiments.)
For the LTZ1000 reference, the temperature difference between inside and outside, with a thermal isolation around the circuit, is at about 6..7°C, if I remember correctly, and all my ovens run at around 50°C.
The A version consumes about 18mA @ 12V supply, whereas the non A version consumes 22mA, i.e. these are 220 and 260mW.
As branadic wrote to me, one module / reference of the 730A draws <6mA @ 13.2V, i.e. 80mW or 1/3 of the LTZ case.
So I expect a rise of the inner temperature of only 1..2 °C.
I guess, that Fluke has taken that into consideration, and set the zero T.C. point to the intended nominal room temperature.
This is evidently 25°C, as the 730As T.C. is specified (symmetrically) 0.5ppm/°C from 20 .. 30°C.