I've done some frequency difference measurement experiments some time ago, including a DMTD contraption. It's got nothing to do with the original posters DMTD board here, I've started my experiments independently of this thread.
Just for the records, here's a link to what I've done:
http://wunderkis.de/tnfb/index.htmlAnyway, that above link is just FYI, as I may refer to it later.
I've noticed some of you were experimenting and thinking about different input stages for the DMTD. As a follow up to my previous experiments, I've built a rather simple "modular" DMTD testing system. It consists of the input stage, the mixer stage and the output (comparator) stage. As TIC I'm using the MCU part of this:
http://wunderkis.de/tnfb/fdif2.html . Using todays microcontrollers, it's a rather simple job to make up a dual channel reciprocal frequency counter with a resolution of 12.5ns (as in 80MHz timer clock frequency). So I don't have any issues with logging and phase wrapping using this setup.
For the input stage, I've used "no input stage at all" (sinusoidal signal directly connected to the diode mixer inputs) and some "fast" comparators (MAX9012) that were by chance available in my stash of components.

Next is the mixer stage, I've used a Mini-Circuits diode mixer and a mixer made up using a simple XOR logic gate.

Final stage is the IF amplifier / comparator, two variants: a rather simple one and a cascade of limiter amplifiers. Component values were somewhat optimized while testing.

Attached schematic of these modules:
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/metrology/dmtd-board/?action=dlattach;attach=1323681As my intention was to measure the noise floor of different combinations of these modules, I've used the 10MHz and 100Hz offset frequency output part of this (same link as the above TIC):
http://wunderkis.de/tnfb/fdif2.html I've used a simple transformer / hybrid based power divider to split the 10MHz into both inputs.
All measurements were done at 100Hz offset frequency, reduced by aggregation to 1Hz sample rate by the TIC. As both 10MHz signals and 10MHz + 100Hz offset reference were supplied from a common source (the 10MHz OCXO), I assume this setup basically measures the noise floor of the different circuit configurations.
Here's the results:

All results are within the 5e-14 to 1e-13 (Allan deviation @ 1sec) ballpark, with the "best" result provided by using "no input stage" and the multi stage comparator. Otherwise, using an XOR logic gate instead of the diode mixer gives rather similar results, slightly better with the simple output comparator.
I hope it's useful and I didn't make any gross mistakes