There are bigger OLEDs available, like
1.1" and
1.3", though these are all in white.
There's also a
vertical 0.96" display that might be a bit bigger than the horizontal one.
I got the 1.3" one from them (with the matching connector) and though it needs some extra circuitry to drive it, they do work, the datasheet has the needed schematics.
Another approach could be a custom panel with SMD orange LEDs laid out as the original segments, with a diffuse layer in front and a mask in between, that would separate the segments from one another, like that filament display posted here previously. This way you could emulate the middle dots as well, and with appropriately cut out masks, all the special symbols.
One could even etch a mask from a thin one sided PCB, though I'm not sure how the green tinge of the PCB with the orange light would look, probably terrible. Just a random idea