The diagram shows TEMP? vs. the calculated deviation of R207 in ppm, for two different time periods, in between I made a re-calibration.
The VHP101s T.C. is specified by a window, < 10ppm in [+15 ..+ 45°C], so that's not the usual "typical" T.C. specification by Vishay.
How did you measure this? Hook up wires to R207 with an external 3458A or something better, and then turn on the 3458A under test and let it warm up? Or did you measure using a more indirect method?
Description of the diagram is on the bottom of my post, i.e. X-axis is TEMP? , y-axis is calculated deviation of R207 in ppm.
Latter is measured as follows:
Since 2011, I maintain a group of 10kOhm resistors, 5EA VHP202Z and later, one inside a FLUKE 5450A, which is the most stable.
I regularly measure the absolute values of all 6 resistors (once or twice a month) by my 34548A and calculate the mean value of the group, which is then my current reference value.
Btw.: These transfer measurements are uncertain to 0.2ppm StD, meanwhile, as specified in the HFL option.
This mean value is compared against calibrated references from time to time, e.g. on the Metrology Meetings, or by ab-precision, or by PTB on the Hannover Maker-Faire.
From these 'baseline' comparisons, I estimated that the VHP202Zs all show a constant drift of about -1ppm/yr. each, which is used as a prediction parameter. The 10kOhm inside the 5450A seems to be very stable.
All measurements by the 3458A can then be corrected. The correction factor, like 0.9999991, is also used to estimate the absolute value of R207, and its drift over time. So that's an indirect measurement.
As R207 is quite stable over time, I can nearly neglect its timely drift for the T.C. estimation.
The temperature of R207 is indirectly measured, as the sensor for TEMP? measurement is sitting on A1 board as well, not far away from R207, but not directly coupled of course. That generates these big outliers from the linear regression curve.
You would have to extract the timely from the temperature drift more precisely, but that's good enough for this purpose, I think.
As I would never de-solder R207, and also would not measure either its resistance nor its temperature in situ, this rough estimation method is a nice byproduct of the tracking of my resistor group, nothing more. I also use the 3458A as a ratio instrument / comparator only, neither as a voltage, nor as a resistance reference.