I expected ADR1000 with resistors integrated on-die, some cheap R2R dual opamp from Analog and a bunch of wires jumping back and forth.
Maybe the package is too small for that. Such design would also need a few MLCCs.
The reference loop is very simple. I haven't looked at thermal regulation, but there aren't too many transistor there. The buffer opamp is oddly complex, more complex than the usual OPwhatever7 we have seen in the opamps thread.
No way in hell they will bother reproducing full schematic in the datasheet. Not sure if I will bother either, but you can ask if you have specific questions. Or trace the circuitry yourself.
Regarding the "weird" pins,
TCHIP is a thermal diode, as discussed. Beware that it dumps its bias current to REF_GND, so using it may increase reference voltage by some μvolts.
PWRGD is an open collector output, its emitter also goes to REF_GND. According to eval board wiki, it only turns on during warm-up and turns off when the chip hits operating temperature.
I am not sure of the process allows for good PNPs, that maybe needed for a single supply OP-amp.
They could put a whole LT1013 there. But what's the point.
The Q2+Q3 stage has ~200x gain by my estimation (any other opinions?), so Vbe stability and thermal tracking of the next stage can be 200x worse than Vbe stability of Q2+Q3.