JJAs can be intercompared via nullmeters like a HPAK34420A: https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=32759
Abstract: The majority of Josephson Voltage Standard(JVS) intercomparisons have been performed by using Zener voltage transfer standards and a protocol based on the Measurement Assurance Program (MAP) with uncertainties in the range of a few parts in 10^8 at 10 V that are limited by the Zener characteristics.
In order to improve the uncertainty of the comparison, protocols using a compact Josephson voltage standard (CJVS) as the transfer standard have been
developed. The uncertainty using the CJVS in the comparison can be in the range of a few parts in 10^9 at 10 V.
The array-to-array direct comparison using the conventional JVS or programmable JVS (PJVS) can further improve the uncertainty of the comparison to a few parts in 10^10.
First, thank you for responding to my question to @dietert1, I appreciate that.
But while I very much welcome NIST's and other's striving for ever so slightly improving what they have I do not really trust it, sorry. For multiple reasons, a major one being the HPAK34420A being the weak link in more than one regard. For one it's as far as I know *not* used (nor I guess even usable) at cryo-temp (say below 70° K) as is a JJA/JVA and hence has way more noise, temp-drift, etc. Moreover it's datasheet talks about 2ppm basic 24hr (presumably +-1°C) accuracy (and only in 1 range albeit gladly in the one that seems to be used) which is orders of magnitude higher than the required level for ppb accuracy and precision. Also note that an additional range "uncertainty" of 1ppm (1000 ppb!) applies. And there's also DC noise and DC noise vs source resistance, the former being close to half a ppm in the 10V range. Furthermore the numbers provided seem to be for the 6.5 digits mode (vs the nominal 7.5 digits capability). Unfortunately the counts of the meter/ADC seem to not be mentioned so I presume it's 12 mio. which in itself indicates (common for (not only) them cheating) hint: even 20 mio would only be 7.3 digits, but may explain their talking of 6.5 digits measurements.
One laudable point though: at least they don't simply use banana jacks (as most 7.5 and even 8.5 digits DMM regrettably do) but a shielded jack/connection.
All in all what I see is this: They try hard, they really do, but I see no solid basis for assertions like "only a few ppbs ("uncertainty")" or even "fractions of 1 ppb". And I certainly see no solid basis (at all) for "10^-10" precision, let alone in the context of checking accordance between multiple standards, even less so, when hours of flight and oceans are between the "homes" of the two (or more) standards.
Summary: I appreciate their work, and no doubt they *do* try hard, but (a) they have to work with what's available (e.g. questionable "super-meters") plus while the logic "let's use our capability to measure (and produce) frequency with high precision and accuracy to also create a very precise and accurate voltage" seems to make sense and highly likely works, one can only be really sure of what one can reliably measure.
Example: certainly quite unlikely, but can one really say with certainty that the known mechanisms, laws, and techniques that work so well in the voltage ranges we *can* reliably measure, still hold true in significantly smaller ranges? Maybe some weird factor enters the game that is absent or insignificant/irrelevant in the ranges we can measure?
Again, quite unlikely, but we can't be certain unless we can measure and verify (and *fully understand*).
So what? I for one am quite happy with a 1 ppm over 1year +-5°C reference and knowing that say, 10 times better would be available if needed.
Also: Hey, I'm just me, just some guy and not of importance. Obviously I *can* learn and change my mind if someone convince me, and quite some people did in my life. I am grateful for the effort they made.
You (not specifically you, but those involved in this discussion) did not convince me so far. But so what? Again, I'm just me and not important. Just let me think in my way as I'm totally ready to not force-feed to you what and how I think. But maybe you think a bit about what I said, just as I thought about what you said (and even glanced over what you linked (except wikipedia).