The one on the left side in their box, is a Muirhead 845-C from 1961. Hello - that's my own vintage!
Pah! Mere newbies, both the person

and the cell - as shown below

I remember using Weston cells at school during physics lessons to calibrate NiFe cells (using a 1m long resistance wire). Anyway, I have vaguely wanted one ever since, a little moreso since I got hold of an HP3468 and have wanted to check whether it is still "accurate".
There's a local school/college closing and flogging off its "stuff", everything from desks and chairs, though bench PSUs 20MHz scopes and banana leads, to lumps of sodium and potassium. So naturally I pay a visit and have an extended rummage, since the very pleasant "salesperson" openly acknowledges she doesn't know what's what and can't test anything, and anything she can't sell she'll have to pay to be taken away and disposed.
What do I come across on a desk but one "Cambridge Instruments Weston Normal Cell" and a dual "Muirhead Standard Cell" with a yellow anchor and MEL stencilled on the side. Clearly they are shortly destined for the tip. Well, given their age they are unlikely to be "good", and showing her the fragile glass means she couldn't sell it on fleabay, so I offer her £5, and take them away.
Not expecting very much, I measure the voltage, and find the CI Normal Cell is 1.01865V and the Muirhead Standard Cells are both 1.01868V at 17C. OK; not broken, but it means I'll have to find out a bit more about standard cells. Memo to self: resist becoming a voltnut.
On pulling the Muirhead apart and comparing them with the "Muirhead Journal" article posted elsewhere, it appears that:
- they are crystal locked saturated cells
- 1.01859V @ 20C implies a 0.1N solution
- serial number is almost illegible, but it 1702
- date is almost illegible, but is 19-1-49 !
And there was me thinking that a 68 year old standard cell would be worse than useless
I suppose I'll have to see if I can find a 6/7/8 digit DMM, and learn about changes in the definition of the volt

.... Must. Not. Become. A. Voltnut.