I don't want to spoil your student enthusiasm but how do you expect to compete with the PCB fabrication services like JLCPCB or PCBWay (or even Aisler here in the EU)? Did you consider that many places don't have their own PCB making equipment simply because it is not economical to do so? Is your machine going to be able to produce a board with soldermask, silkscreen, metalized vias and more than 2 layers?
That aside, why to reinvent the wheel? If you want to manufacture your own PCBs on a small scale beyond the hobby DIY level like tone transfer, then a spray etching tank/machine, UV exposing unit and consumables cost very little and are certainly available even to a Danish university (apropos, greetings to SDU, I used to work at AAU in Esbjerg just across the street from the SDU campus, with many SDU colleagues). You still won't have metalized vias or soldermask unless you invest in additional process but that's true for pretty much any kind of "PCB machine" you are likely to build that would be still relevant for a student.
There is no need to invent a "PCB machine" (I guess some kind of CNC engraver/router?) here, IMO and probably very little market among cash strapped students for something like that.
Apropos, consider that in many cases the problem isn't the cost of purchasing the equipment but the recurring costs of operating it - e.g. required supervision if to be operated by students, consumables, handling the toxic waste, dealing with toxic dust (in case of using a CNC router) in a way that won't give the occupational safety authorities a heart attack and the operator a hefty fine. This adds up quickly to way more than the original cost of the equipment. E.g. my hackspace here down the street has gotten rid of their PCB production equipment for exactly these reasons, with the argument that it is much easier for everyone involved to order the boards online instead. There is a huge difference between etching or engraving a board at home - and operating (or selling) this equipment in a public space/institution/business where the laws and regulations are strict and the authorities are watching you.