nah it would burn you it got to like 100C. But I built everything so it floats off the perforated plate walls in the under body on brackets and it looks like every component will have a heat shield on it.
I have no idea how to install a thermal fuse, it looks like it does not get hot enough to ignite things even if its on the verge of burning out after operating for a long time. I am paranoid about it so its only probobly going to be used on the steel welding table and that area is kept clean from scraps and trash because sparks cause fires
I thought about making a secondary mesh shell around it eventually so its touch safe
WHat is the point of a thermal fuse if the thing just burns out without anything happening as I have seen? It will probobly be unstable to try to fuse the chassis with heat because of air temperature changes. I could glue something to the bottom... but it looks like its safe even if you let it burn up. The elements did not even drip nichrome into the furnace body, when I took it out, it was all contained.. the elements fuse literary like a fuse (look exactly the same from the outside)
I think I just need to live with the fact that if the element wants to burn out, it burns out (assuming there is some kind of malfunction with the SSR or controller).
I could see if the elements were exposed coils some kind of dangerous condition could happen if they start drooping in the thing to short out and explode, but in this case its embedded in the manufacturers fire brick material, so they can't move at all... it just melts in side of the refractory and opens circuit. And its only 1 circuit, that is a single monolithic element, so it either works or does not work., if you have multiple elements the behavior might get funny if one burns out and the other one makes it drip or something
And a thermocouple just measuring air in the enclosure where the PID would be is ~30C in a fairly hot weather (maybe 28C)
I just thought the ceiling might irradiate the enclosure since its black, so it will get a aluminum umbrella