Dave, have you spoken with Ramzi at Embedded Logic Solutions? They are the local NeoDen distributor. They seem to be limited by NeoDen in the support they can offer, but maybe there is some interest in providing a machine for review/critique.
I have a NeoDen TM240A which has no vision and terrible feeder system. It is also starting to shows its age, and I need to do some maintenance. It doesn't support software upgrades (I think this is an IP protection strategy), and there are a few bugs that cause it to hang and require a power cycle. But despite sometimes poor placement accuracy it still saves me time and back pain on small runs, typically doing 20-200 PCBs in a run and I might do half a dozen runs a year between my customers.
I see the YY1 as a toy but it is certainly an incremental improvement on the TM240A, and as a TM240A owner I can understand the attraction in having some low cost some automation. The prices jump a lot to a more capable machine that uses real feeders, and then you have the usual nightmare of selecting the right machine ... just like comparing competing DMMs or Scopes.
I also have Unexpected Makers old Charmhigh in my factory, and have been slowly getting familiar with it and fixing small issues. I recently ran the first simple job on it and some of the feeders Seon gave me were definitely problematic. I've got more feeders on order so I can attempt some more complex jobs, and see if despite the problems it will be usable for my volume.
If I was to buy a new machine, I would be hesitant to get another NeoDen or Charmhigh at this point ... but I probably still would as assembly for me is just a side revenue in addition to the consulting work, and I don't need the high reliability of a CM. CL feeders are a must for me now, especially as I've now invested more $$$ in them than the two machines.