My own impressions of the features missing or odd in the software come off these forums or users/training videos for those machines, they are real and clear shortcomings, the ones that bug me most are on the setup side. I would actually be quite surprised if that particular feature @jmelson mentions were missing on anything but the most basic machines. On our Essemtec that goes one step further, not only can you set global and component level retry attempts and whether to stop or continue when they are encountered but you can also define "only place this component if these other ones are already placed" rules. This means if you run out of 0.1's mid board for instance, while the machine will continue uninterrupted, it won't place other components that might block their placement (i.e tall ones placed very close). At the end you can then load a new reel and complete the assembly, or you could even reload the feeder while it was running. On our version this is a manual thing, more recent feature matrices suggest its now automatic standard but still is a premium option (Collison avoidance) on some other brands.
As far as I can see from my non-owning one perspective, the cheaper the Chinese machine the simpler the products they are capable of making, which makes sense. Also however the smaller the range of products you would want to make on them just because everything from loading feeders (especially the drag type) to setting up the jobs is that much slower with considerably more steps. One manufacturer recently introduced or trialed a component library (Kayo?) in their software, that is a massive step forwards towards letting the machine know and recall settings you otherwise input repeatedly by hand. (For example the Neoden 4 seems to need to you set both the pick and place height and measure those manually before typing the measured numbers from one screen into another)
I keep an eye on these things because, a cheap effective machine for certain classes of build would have value. So far I don't think they are quite there, also what's with the piddling feeder counts? I have zero interest in doing in-house tinkering, Essemtec just works, big older machines just work and have multiple sources of support. Uptime matters to us, it might matter less if its something in a lab you run once a week for one or two products you have difficulty out sourcing on terms you find acceptable.