The default "zero" rotation of the parts in the Kicad library and the JLCPCB parts library, is not always the same.
There are various fixes out there, to generate the pick-n-place file with the correct orientation. I am using a variation on essele's kicad jlcpcba plugin. However,
JLCPCB assembly has an *excellent* tool to check the parts orientation - it shows you the pcb, with the parts outlines and pins, and has pin1 super-clearly marked on chips, and A big + and - on diodes (and presumably polarised capacitors, I don't use any) - it shows you your own board with your own silkscreen, so it's usually super-easy to see any problems.
Also I think someone at JLC manually checks them, at least briefly, for correctness and would probably flag any obvious errors - but only if your silkscreen makes it clear to them.