In the schematic editor, I accidentally connected the VCC pin of a part to GND, and the GND pin to VCC. I ran ERC, and KiCad didn't flag that as an error. I even tried it with a KiCad library part (74x04), instead of my own. No error. I'm an idiot for not seeing my error, but I'm disappointed that ERC was OK with it.
Long ago, I used EAGLE, and I sort of recall that EAGLE asked if I wanted to connect a part's VCC pin to a 5 volt net. But, I'm guessing that KiCad is OK with connecting a part's power input pin to any power output pin.
Other than having other people look over my designs before I send them to a board house, is there anything that I can do to keep me from doing this again? I did find 2 other bugs that I made, plus changes I want to make, so I need to respin the board again, anyway.
-Dave Pollum