i'm developing my PC software to capture data from Rigol DSO through USB cable. i heard there's different respond between older and newer FW version. so in order my software to work with many FW version i need help from Rigol1052E/1102E owners here to do the test program below and send or PM me the result. its a simple test to send some commands that will be displayed in textbox with its result. the setup:
1) download, unzip and run the program below (tester.zip)
2) turn your Rigol DSO ON, and connect the USB cable to PC.
3) turn on channel1. turn off channel2
4) click auto test in the test program
5) wait until msgbox appear saying test completed (this should take only few seconds)
6) copy pasted the result in textbox to some file and send (attach here or PM) to me.
you can delete your serial number in the first line, i only need your FW version (2.02, 2.04, 2.05 etc)
you can also make another test with both channel turned ON.
you also can to not do this test and keep quiet
thanks and hope some input.
pls note at the end of the test, the program will reset your dso memory depth setting to normal and trigger in "running" mode