I am transferring the found bugs or flaws in the firmware of the Rigol DHO800-900 oscilloscope to this topic.
1) The first Bug is that there is a certain phase shift at a frequency of 70 MHz, between two channels (20 degrees or about 800 picoseconds), namely in the following combinations:a) 1 + 2 (synchronization on 1 or 2 channels)

b) 1 + 3 (synchronization on 1 or 3 channel)

c) 1 + 4 (synchronization on 1 or 4 channel)

d) 2 + 3 (synchronization on 2 or 3 channel)
e) 2 + 4 (synchronization on 2 or 4 channel)
f) 3 + 4 (synchronization on 3 or 4 channel)
When channels are turned on in such combinations, there is no phase shift, or within acceptable limits = 1 degrees or about 50 picoseconds:a) 2 + 3 (synchronization on 1 or 4 channels)
b) 2 + 4 (synchronization on 1 or 3 channel)
c) 3 + 4 (synchronization on 1 or 2 channels)
d) 2 + 3 + 4 (synchronization on 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 channels)
e) 1 + 2 + 3 (synchronization on 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 channels)

f) 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 (synchronization on 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 channels)

Any types of calibration do not give anything, I tried different combinations in the extended “SelfCal” menu item, except for the “ADC Phase” calibration item, since this is the second bug, which is described below.
2) The second Bug is that the "ADC Phase" calibration ends with the error "Unknown error occurred while calibrating"

I think that this is precisely the calibration with which the phase shift of the channels is calibrated.
Does anyone know how to calibrate "ADC Phase"?
Please share your information as I haven't found anything yet...
3) The third Bug or simply a low-quality trigger of the “Edge” type is that when you turn on the Coupling trigger function - “AC”, the sine wave (from 10 to 70 MHz) becomes unstable and trembles (jitter) in the horizontal plane within 3 nanoseconds, and the "Holdoff" setting doesn't help. Perhaps the OWON DGE2070 Generator is to blame, I would like you to check this on your oscilloscopes too.
Measurements were carried out using:
- The Rigol DHO804 oscilloscope itself (with unlocked options 50 Mgpt and a frequency of 100 MHz) latest firmware v00.
Warmed up within an hour. Calibrated with different combinations, no difference.
- Original probes from the PVP3150 kit (at 150 MHz) in position X10.
- The OWON DGE2070 generator is configured for output frequency = sine 70 MHz and output voltage = 3.5 Vpp. Connected via the supplied coaxial cable bayonet - crocodiles.
- The oscilloscope probes (I connected two together and three and four, they only affect the signal range) are connected to the coaxial cable with crocodile clips at one point parallel to the signal terminal and parallel to the ground terminal.