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Offline MechatrommerTopic starter

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2011, 06:27:50 am »
and do you think osama was that stupid to leave those trails to be found easily? answer this, why america is sooo busy body when other country involved in nuclear research? where itself is the biggest daddy in nuke industry? and nobody give a shit about that? did they get the "infinite time" patent from imf? we are sorry your economy collapsed, but that cannot be the reason for this nuclear hype. and you know why a church will raise a big flag when a muslim died? still you dont get it, do ya?

and from what i know, there is one keyword thats actually behind all this bullshit, something higher up there, something in more power of control, something delusive, its not god, its not devil, they are normal human being. its not american, its not pakistan or whoever that you see on newspapers. its the (try to be) supreme power on earth that acts like a plague, very dirty plague. and its been written for sooo so so so long, if you care to do the reading. i will not mention it here, because its a mess! a real mess that have been prophecized.
Nature: Evolution and the Illusion of Randomness (Stephen L. Talbott): Its now indisputable that... organisms “expertise” contextualizes its genome, and its nonsense to say that these powers are under the control of the genome being contextualized - Barbara McClintock

Offline Lawsen

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2011, 07:35:45 am »
The Baptist church flies an entire city block with American flags with a huge, approximately 10 feet (3.0 m) by 14 feet (4.6 m) American flag to celebrate the execution of a head terrorist, guilty without much trial, but lots of evidence.  It is the only accomplishment, besides caped the Gulf of Mexico BP-New Horizon Hyundai Transoceanic oil guisher.  We celebrate it like the days we landed on the moon or the Viking landers on Mars or the Spirit and Sojourner on Mars.  I am thinking about a flag at my mother's porch, too.  Do not apologize for the great collapse of the U.S. real estate and currency, those were caused by greed from real estate bank loaning schemes, unemployment, and poor monetary policies by the leaders in our economic system.  I am too small and insignificant to have a say in this and I just stay at my mother's house to wait out the great recession to near great recovery.  These are circumstances beyond our control.

"United We Stand. . .  America is ready for business. . ." are slogans I remembered, since 9-11-2001.  I starved during 9-11-2001 as the dormitory ran out of food by restaurants closed for fears of more attacks.  I did not do so well in the university at the time.  I kept studying and things got better with time.  

« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 05:24:41 pm by Lawsen »

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2011, 07:39:57 am »
yea go watch your tv! i dont blame ya!
Nature: Evolution and the Illusion of Randomness (Stephen L. Talbott): Its now indisputable that... organisms “expertise” contextualizes its genome, and its nonsense to say that these powers are under the control of the genome being contextualized - Barbara McClintock

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #28 on: May 23, 2011, 11:05:26 am »
CIA agent Osama Bin Laden died in 2001. This is 9th time he was "kiled".

"Database" (or if you wont "Al-Qaeda") doesn't even exist.

Offline A Hellene

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #29 on: May 23, 2011, 03:00:03 pm »
Aw, people!

- According to the following article of December 26, 2001, Bin Laden is dead since 2001.
- Even Benazir Bhutto stated that Osama Bin Laden was already dead in 2007, just before her assassination.
- According to a brief research of media releases, Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead… For the Ninth Time!

You see, the recent televised announcement of the target killing of the televised Osamabinladin (since the millionaire Osama Bin Laden is long gone --or alive and kicking, residing perhaps in some distant sunny place and sipping pina-coladas!) is necessary for the perpetuation of the lie that "extremist Islamist groups" and "Al Quaeda" are still out there and furious for revenge.

Now, how different would that be if Osama Bin Laden had a fair trial? (I am not implying, of course, that there is such a thing as a "fair trial" at these levels of staged control; I am using this term just for the sake of the argument...)
Well, if anything, the TSA with their DNA-altering technology equipment would probably be out of business the next day!
But alas; the big bad wolf is still out there; and he will always be out there, to scare the living //// out of the unthinking majority, in order to keep these community members away from using their brains...

Mass deception has always been Media's favorite occupation.
Just watch a CNN "live report" from the Gulf War in 1991, which proves beyond doubt the media counterfeiting tactics:

So, please, do yourselves a favor and DO NOT swallow everything your TV set (and its cousin, The Big Screen) tells you:

From the televised manned Moon landings [attempt #2], to the televised attacks of 9/11, successfully planned and executed, according to the formal witch-hunt, by a few poppy farmers from Afghanistan that succeeded attacking the best protected building in the whole world (the Pentagon), using commercial planes full of magic fuel that is able to bring down steel structures in a few seconds time; twice; in the same day; with the projected accuracy of copy & paste!

Do you want to know why this is happening?

Have you ever heard of "The Allegory of the Cave"? Though it is a part of the Classic Greek literature, it remains a bit of a hidden work, outside of psychology and logic courses in universities.
Well, let me present you a comprehensive animation of a conversation that took place in 421 BCE in the residence of Cephalus in Piraeus in ancient Greece between Socrates and Glaucon, as told by Plato (Socrates's disciple and Glaucon's brother) in his masterpiece called "The Republic" («Η Πολιτεία» or «Περί δικαίου» in Classical Greek), written circa 380 BCE.
As a bonus, for anyone interested, the clip is subtitled with the original platonic text in Classical Greek language!

In a few words, "The Allegory of the Cave" is a tale in which four prisoners in a cave (that have never seen the outer world because they were put in captivity since birth --rings any bells?) mistake artificial shadows -or illusions- for reality. When one of them is released into the upper, real world, he comes to understand the nature of truth and the responsibility that accompanies his latest realizations. It is about "our human nature, whether it is enlightened or unenlightened."

Plato's description of a fire behind the audience, casting a shadow created by an image being held up in front of the fire, and being so realistic that the cave dwellers mistake it for reality, no longer seems to be so far fetched when you look at the contemporary image projection technology, the TV and the big screen as well as the nonsense foolish contests of sports/lifestyle/etc. the contemporary captives are called to participate in; even though Plato's book was written a good 2,400 years ago (and it was about an idea conceived even before).

It is obvious that this parable is a solid proof that the manipulators of human perception have not changed their principal tactics since antiquity; and the unthinking majority is still falling for the same machination...

« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 05:41:15 pm by A Hellene »
Hi! This is George; and I am three and a half years old!
(This was one of my latest realisations, now in my early fifties!...)


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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2011, 10:46:18 pm »
Do you want to know why this is happening?
Because everyone is conspiring against us? Especially they.

Offline A Hellene

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #31 on: May 24, 2011, 12:08:27 am »
Well, I would not say that everyone is conspiring against us, even though conspiracies exist almost everywhere. Just take a closer look, for example, at the office/work space or, sometimes, within someone's family/friend circles...

But then, who is conspiring against us? Who are they? Well, the answer is simple: Who is going to lose the most when the majority starts thinking for themselves? Who are we all really working for? Rephrasing that, where does our income, or about 90% of it, go to in the form of legal (not lawful) taxation? The answer is, again, simple: To the Tax Farms we belong to (or we were born into, if you like), in order for the Farmer who runs the Tax Farm to pay back with interest those who funded his election. But, again, who are they that fund the elections of the Farmers in order to be taking advantage of us? Though I know it will not sound very nice, they are our owners: Those who own us.

But, how can they own us? Once more, the answer is simple: With our consent to be binded by special contracts! With contracts that exist beyond our comprehension, even though we have heard of them and we believe that these documents are of our personal interest --which they are not.
One of the most important contracts that binds us to their will is our Birth Certificate. Studying History, especially the little details that have been omitted from the mainstream history books, you will realise that this is not some new invention...

Additionally, speaking previously of Tax Farms, let me recommend you to watch something that will not only enrage you but it will also give you a taste of the power of denial:

So, reality resembles a onion: Peeling off the outer coat will not reveal its core; it will only reveal yet another inner coat...
In this manner, debunking a political/militaristic scam, like this of Osama for example, will not be enough for us to realise the full proportions of the deception we live our little lives within. Not until we realise the actual role (meaning, NOT the euphemistical one) of the religions/ the monetary system/ the legal system/ the educational system/ etc.
This is what my essay on Social Engineering (part #2, part #3) was about.

« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 12:56:12 am by A Hellene »
Hi! This is George; and I am three and a half years old!
(This was one of my latest realisations, now in my early fifties!...)

Offline MechatrommerTopic starter

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #32 on: May 24, 2011, 03:26:27 am »
too much material you have there hellene, nice! but as a practical outcome is a concern of engineers, a long essay will not be good enough. engineers solve problem, not making stories. so here's the simple problem that never been solved long time ago... how to cope with this? and how to solve this? i know, the answer will not be that simple. it is the phase 2 of another long essay after this essay #1 about intro on political scamness/madness. tax is good for country if managed properly. but as the same to hacker, or cracker or pirate, you name it the politicians are, they have exploited the tax for their own good, citizen suffer.
Nature: Evolution and the Illusion of Randomness (Stephen L. Talbott): Its now indisputable that... organisms “expertise” contextualizes its genome, and its nonsense to say that these powers are under the control of the genome being contextualized - Barbara McClintock

Offline A Hellene

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #33 on: May 24, 2011, 04:58:18 am »
That was a very good question, Mechatrommer! Yet, the answer remains simple: With the collective effort of rational and creative individuals.

For example, what did it take to overcome the DS1052 unhackability problem? Answer: The collective effort of a few individuals!

Now, though creativity does not seem to be a gift everyone possesses, rationality is acquirable by anyone interested in self improvement and this is achieved via education, which also helps in the rejection of any dogmatic aspects that keep the mind bound to any set of instilled delusional beliefs.
Of course, by the term "education" I do not mean the indoctrination that in reality is the so-called "public education" (which rather creates unthinking subjects than thinking individuals). Indoctrination also seems to be able to be shrug off by anyone who really chooses to dismiss it.

Now, in order to find and create a viable solution, we firstly need to recognise and comprehend the actual problem. So, History is an invaluable tool to help us see not only the roots of a problem that is so deep, but any possible workarounds also.
Borrowing a famous phrase, "Those who do not learn from History are condemned to repeat it."

« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 05:00:38 am by A Hellene »
Hi! This is George; and I am three and a half years old!
(This was one of my latest realisations, now in my early fifties!...)

Offline Kiriakos-GR

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2011, 09:53:08 am »
Now, though creativity does not seem to be a gift everyone possesses ............

In comparison with my own brothers,  I had inherit ate  lots of this creativity gift,
as my own father was fully charged by it .
And I ended up as an wacky Electrician + Electronics + IT + I am good at fishing ,
plus I can teardown my Honda 250cc ..

But I think that I would be really gifted , if I had an father with lots of cash.. :)

By be gifted with creativity, it took me years , but I did earned some glory because of my work ,
because I was offering always Class A results.

Now I feel more independent as person , I feel that my life had so far a true meaning ,
but I have a terrible tanning , and I do not remember when was the last time ,
that I was had , an wild party with my own friends .. 

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2011, 11:29:59 am »
actually, there is a simple way to be free - suicide.

Everything else is a bit more complex. Sure, you can (if you start very early) overcome many regulations
by being politician. However, this can't work for everybody because someone have to work for the politicians
and in most cases at that day you recognized what's about the farm you already to old to start as a politician.

Another way is to buy a own Island and be (as far you can) independant. Sure there is still some dependency
but it is all you can do on earth. You will of course need some money, so you need your own good working business.
This is what many ppl recognized and started to earn money - and actually if the revenue is above a specific
level (level which would allow you to buy own Island) many ppl recognized that this amount of money is
huge enogh to be involved "in the farm" and huge enough to be "free" - so you don't have to leave the farm anymore.
Funny eh?

Anyway, not everybody will have great businees idea, so not everybody can reach this level.
Luckily "the farm" have own rules to allow their owners to not pay anything in case something goes wrong
- there is a beautiful law like Chapter 7 (this works perfect in USA and Germany, for other countires check your local laws, there will be something similar in all "democracy" contries).

All you have to do is to create own company (somethign like Ltd, Inc, LLC, GmbH works perfect).
In the first year all you earn is yours - just don't pay any taxes, don't care about, it will takes a 1.5 years
until you will get busted for that. All you have to do is use Chapter 7 after first business year - and you free from taxes.
Well, you know what next step - create new company and play the game again.
For some countiers important step - do it 3 months before the last company was under Chapter 7.

If you worry about jail - be smart. All you have to do is to transfer the whole turnover (from the whole first business year)
somewhere, a good idea is to have another company in countiers(farms) with low tax like Slovak Rep. (there are other too, google for it). There is nothing ilegal in this business, all you have to do is just to buy a (as company which will be soon under Chpt. 7)
a "service" from the low tax company (far away from your farm) and pay upfront.

With this business model you can buy your own Island after 10 yrs, and you a "free". Sure, on the Island you will
not earn enough money to buy every year new car (not even every 10yrs), sure you will still to have import
some tools and be "self-owned farmer", sure it might happens that you can't never ever
again visit the rest of the world - but you will be free.

So if you play this through, you will see there is free choise - you can continue to live and work for
the farm (as mr. nobody or businessman involved in the farm) or you can leave the farm (by suicide or chpt. 7 way)

I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter ...
I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me.

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2011, 09:21:07 pm »

Creativity is the ability to create; it is the power or the faculty someone possesses to create new ideas or solutions. So, by definition, you are a creative individual!

If you told me that you were not a creative man I would not believe you, since I have seen what solutions you have created and posted at this site!

Creativity, on the other hand, can be improved for anyone that wishes to flex this specific intellectual muscle we all possess; but we are constantly being taught ("programmed") not to think on owr own, since childhood...


According to my perception, someone ceases to exist after suicide! So, they cannot be free or unfree anymore; they, simply, are not there to own or to be owned. I believe that is that simple! Despite the unsubstantiated and unprovable claims of all the religious institutions that promise to their subjects afterlives if they behave during their real life: "If you are good to your owners and obey them blindly while in this life, you will receive a better life after you die!" Yeah! Sure! Whatever...

After someone's death, it is the memories of their qualities and their achievements that remain immortal! For example, Socrates, that great teacher of critical thinking, lives through me whenever I use or spread any of his ideas; but he will never come back alive, no matter what.

Life is everything someone can experience and do while alive; anything else is a creation of the mind, called a delusion. Human mind is so powerful that it can create a whole universe in a few seconds time. Why waist it in irrational and tyrannic ancient dogmas that were created by cunning minorities to take advantage of whole societies?

Classical Greek literature is about the lifetime-long preparations for any individual to have a righteous and quality life, and a good death. If this is called rationality, I will prefer it over the dogmatism of the Abrahamic religions (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam), which are about living a life of fear and servitude under the inhumane commands of a selfish "god," called "The Tetragrammaton" (meaning in Greek: "The Four Letters" describing Yaweh (YHWH) or Jehovah (JHVH), according to the first Abrahamic cabbalistic creation of the sixth century BCE). After all, Abraham was a Chaldean Magus (plural: Magi, form «Μάγοι» meaning: Magicians, Sorcerers); Abraham was a Zoroastrian High Priest who took advantage of the ancient Hebrew tribes and turned them against each other until their extinction. What about Jesus, or "Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef" as he was actually called in his times, meaning "Excellent Joshua, son of Josef" ("Rabbi" was a title of honor and ownership, meaning "Excellent" or "Great" until the end of the first century CE; after that it was used as a title for the priests of Judaism)? Even educated Jesus tried to humanely reform that rabbinical abomination for the good of his own people,
the remnants of the Tribe of Judah, and got himself crucified for messing with the priesthood. It was then that Paul took over the teachings of his dead master and created the sect called Christianity that was expanded outside the realm of Judaism and was officially established in 325 CE. Finally, Islam, the latest Abrahamic branch, was created half a millennium later, in the seventh century CE. All these three systems of the belief in and the worship of an imaginary superhuman controlling power share the same foundation of Mosaic tales, which the first system calls "Pentateuch," the second one calls "Old Testament" and the latter one calls "Holy Books."

Anyway, to close my parenthesis with the Abrahamic delusions, many people believe that everything started with the Chaldean priests, those masters of deception coming form Ur of Mesopotamia (Ουρ της Μεσοποταμίας), who fled to Canaan through Harran, and with one of them called Abraham striking first; the rest is history --or a dogmatic piece of history, to be more precise...

Talking of "Chapter 7" I believe that you mean the bankruptcy claim laws.
Well, a Bankruptcy claim along with Outsourcing (the other workaround you mentioned) are loopholes in the greater scheme, called the Game, (or the Commerce Game) in which our lives are considered to be stocks (or capital stocks) of the Business Company our Person (or our Birth Certificate) represents, There is no way out in this direction...

What about buying an island and living over there? If I buy a house and read carefully the contract, I will realise that I am not stated as the owner of that property; I am stated to be a tenant instead. No way out in this direction either, because buying or selling property is also done within the realm of the Game...

I repeat that the Game is not some sort of a new concept; it is there for centuries...
For example, I am no allowed to take any drugs because I do not own my body; it belongs to the company that now holds my Birth Certificate. Unless I renounce that contract and become a freeman --if I can do such a thing, because Common Law might permit such an action but Civil Law does not...

So, yes, acquiring someone's freedom is not that simple...
Is not knowing all this information a bliss or not? Personally, I always wanted to know exactly where I stand.

« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 09:36:13 pm by A Hellene »
Hi! This is George; and I am three and a half years old!
(This was one of my latest realisations, now in my early fifties!...)

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2011, 09:36:04 pm »
Classical Greek literature is about the lifetime-long preparations for any individual to have a righteous and quality life, and a good death. If this is called rationality, I will prefer it over the dogmatism of the Abrahamic religions (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam), which are about living a life of fear and servitude under the inhumane commands of a selfish "god," called "The Tetragrammaton" (meaning in Greek: "The Four Letters" describing Yaweh (YHWH) or Jehovah (JHVH), according to the first Abrahamic cabbalistic creation of the sixth century BCE). After all, Abraham was a Chaldean Magus (plural: Magi, form «?????» meaning: Magicians, Sorcerers); Abraham was a Zoroastrian High Priest who took advantage of the ancient Hebrew tribes and turned them against each other until their extinction. What about Jesus, or "Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef" as he was actually called in his times, meaning "Excellent Joshua, son of Josef" ("Rabbi" was a title of honor and ownership, meaning "Excellent" or "Great" until the end of the first century CE; after that it was used as a title for the priests of Judaism)? Even educated Jesus tried to humanely reform that rabbinical abomination for the good of his own people, and got himself crucified for messing with the priesthood. It was then that Paul took over the teachings of his dead master and created the sect called Christianity that was expanded outside the realm of Judaism and was officially established in 325 CE. Finally, Islam, the latest Abrahamic branch, was created half a millennium later, in the seventh century CE. All these three systems of the belief in and the worship of an imaginary superhuman controlling power share the same foundation of Mosaic tales, which the first system calls "Pentateuch," the second one calls "Old Testament" and the latter one calls "Holy Books."

Anyway, to close my parenthesis with the Abrahamic delusions, many people believe that everything started with the Chaldean priests, those masters of deception coming form Ur of Mesopotamia (??? ??? ????????????), who fled to Canaan through Harran, and with one of them called Abraham striking first; the rest is history --or a dogmatic piece of history, to be more precise...
You are the first EE Philosopher who I know.

I disagrees, those reference you make arent reliable and can't be historicaly proven.

I prefer to believe in what is proven, the rest is noise... Why you need to listen or measure noise?
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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #38 on: May 24, 2011, 10:15:59 pm »
Thank you, Kuolas, but I would not call myself an "EE Philosopher"!
But, again, what is the etymology of the term PhD, which is one of the highest titles in any science?

As for your freedom to agree or to disagree with anything you wish to, I think that this is the whole idea!

By the way, what did you mean by stating "historicaly proven"?
Some version of History a few special people have agreed to be closer to what makes their employers happy?
Have you not ever heard of any country/state to modify not only their history textbooks but their historical sites, as well? Why should they do such a thing? To remove some unwanted historical evidence, perhaps, that disproved the version of their History they try to promote?

« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 10:18:10 pm by A Hellene »
Hi! This is George; and I am three and a half years old!
(This was one of my latest realisations, now in my early fifties!...)

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #39 on: May 24, 2011, 10:28:37 pm »
I prefer to see Philosophers and Ideals through History.

It it's true that people, pharaohs, kings, emperors and governments have "edited" history... but you know what? There's proof of that!

But if you don't know that, what you believe is really fake... Then how we know it's true?

Simple, by it's results. No action can be and don't have a trail behind. The history it's the same, facts have a ripple effect, edits not so (at least not so strong as facts). Some historical "facts" didn't last long, other do... but they wont.

As an example: Apollo and the Moon... did they really got there? Well, I don't know but I do believe them (that's faith). Some day we will be able to go there and visit the "historical proof" that locates there.

Equally with Rigol... the "secrets" didn't last long ;D
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 10:34:17 pm by Kuolas »
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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #40 on: May 24, 2011, 10:47:14 pm »
suicide is not an option for us who believe in afterlife. you'll just make it worst in afterlife.
doing big business is another option. but you need very hardwork and patient before you get there. once you got the power of money, easily you can take control of the power to govern.
i believe in hellene's otion regarding education. ie educate our young about corruption and what it can do to our nation. so in the future, many people will fight for it if it ever happen. but again, that still just in theory, we can only work on it and hope for the best.
Nature: Evolution and the Illusion of Randomness (Stephen L. Talbott): Its now indisputable that... organisms “expertise” contextualizes its genome, and its nonsense to say that these powers are under the control of the genome being contextualized - Barbara McClintock

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #41 on: May 24, 2011, 11:03:28 pm »
I prefer to see Philosophers and Ideals through History.

If ever decide to see an Philosopher electrician , I will send you my face in a poster  :D :D :D

Welcome in the forum ..  ;)

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2011, 08:34:24 pm »
Many people felt the same way one reader responded, that the head terrorist might not be the one.  The Seals raid was too easy.  The evidence in the news media are:
1. Computer facial recognition software
2. DNA from fluids of his sister's cranium who died from brain cancer almost match that of the dead.
3. His body was dumped at sea to keep the terrestrial terrorist away, unless they bought a submarine.

Why did it taken 10 years to locate him?  Many observers outside concluded that he was actually dead 10 years ago.  It is very difficult to who is telling the truth, over this international business man turned CIA warrior in Afghanistan to terrorist rebel against my U.S.A.  

I usually believe in the simplest answer, that the head terrorist was executed and body dumped at sea.  This closes the chapter to a very corrupt America and Middle Eastern business man turned corruption, warrior and rebel over fanatical religion.  The newsstands have tabloids specializing in the head terrorist's family and events from 9-11-2001 to present by Life Magazine.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 10:35:25 pm by Lawsen »

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #43 on: May 31, 2011, 03:14:37 am »
now the "world police" arrived and try to mess with our country i think, and Dave's beloved Australia too! but i dont know, maybe for good.
UN nuclear agency opens probe for Malaysia plant
its also in jakarta post.
Nature: Evolution and the Illusion of Randomness (Stephen L. Talbott): Its now indisputable that... organisms “expertise” contextualizes its genome, and its nonsense to say that these powers are under the control of the genome being contextualized - Barbara McClintock

Offline Vertigo

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Re: Another Osama & Nuclear Bullshit?
« Reply #44 on: June 13, 2011, 09:02:37 am »
society is a pendulum that swings between the extremes of anarchy and fascism.
it will eventually reach its limit and come swinging back again, only questions is how much damage will be done
in the mean time...

what pisses me off though is the general public's willingness to bend over and take it up the tailpipe like this.
i remember a world that was different once.
a world where liars could be held accountable, and people got proportionately angry when they got screwed over.
nowadays people just seem to roll over and give paw on command, no matter how badly they have been beaten.

especially troubling since in my little pendulum comparison, the law of gravity is represented by we the people.

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