Excuse the french reference but I've had it with trying to find a truly *good* supply. IMHO the hobbyist shouldn't have to drop multiple thousands of dollars to get a well built, versatile and reliable precision supply.
As may be apparent by my post count; i'm new here. I've greatly benefitted from all the shared wisdom, Dave's got an awesome community built up here!. I found the blog because I was shopping for a supply. A Siglent caught my eye and so I did some searches and up pops the episode showing rust...OMG! I don't wanna to wonder what crap is inside if I'm spending good money. I want to rest assured there is quality inside....Scratch Siglent.
I thought I'd just short circuit the whole process and go straight for brand name...I've got $1,200-1500 to spend on this thing so I checked out Keithley. Well, I'll be darned if there isn't talk about rebranding crap from other manufacturers...which would be fine if the end result all checked out. However, it appears as if the $1,200 price tag really isn't warranted for what I would get: subpar display, "wobbly" dials and menu driven functions that should have dedicated keys....Scratch Keithley.
I don't know what to think about Rigol. They seem to be a love or hate kind of company. I've read some really bad stuff and some really good stuff. They show up a lot in the forum, perhaps because they are so widely owned and just cannot help but keep their one-off kinda issues out of the limelight...Considering I don't yet have a strong opinion it's hard to pull the trigger there. I just don't know about these guys.
Having one unit with 3-4 outputs would be nice to save on bench space...I have a smallish area to work with. This is a challenge as there are many posts about the drawbacks to having an "all-in-one" kind of supply....so I guess scratch this idea.
So now I'm thinking I should just bite the bullet and make room for a few single output units and let them work together to accomplish whatever projects might demand. This means that the $1,200-1500 needs to be divided by 2 or 3...and what would that buy me? Even less quality in a sub $1,000 unit...?
There's a ton of data out there...reviews, tear downs, general forum commentary etc...weeding through it all is driving me to drink. Not a good thing to mix with electricity!
Can I get some folks ringing in on the topic?
Who really makes a quality unit - irregardless of cost (perhaps this is the only way to get quality)?
If I can't have quality, well, what's the next best quality/value tradeoff?
Which single output unit is best to select with the intent of having it play nice with another or multiple other supplies?
I love the TFT-LCD readability on the Siglent supply...anyone else putting that technology to work?
Thanks for listening to the rant and thanks in advance for the guidance! Cheers!