I was patiently waiting to save some money to buy an entry level Rigol or Siglent digital oscilloscope (now have a 20Mhz analogue). But I found a seemingly nice offer for a 100Mhz HP 54600A for about 130euro (price can be lowered a bit, I think).
Do you think it's still good value for the money as of today, 2020?
If not, what price you'd happily pay for it?
Im interested in upgrading my 20Mhz oscilloscope mainly to:
1) have a bit more bandwidth, 100Mhz seems the right limit since to get to 200Mhz or above I'd need to start spending money also on probes...
2) To have "one shot" trigger possibilities,
3) To be able to see the the wave before the trigger point.
4) Having some basic measurments directly available (pk-to-pk, frequency, etc).
In other words, I am not interested in the so-many functionalities offered by modern scopes... I am still learning (amateur, not student) and want a relatively "simple" device I can (fell like I) master. Also, I am NOT interested in decoding digital transmissions. More into RF and Ham radio.
So the HP 54600A might be good instrument for these goals. And the build quality should be good.
What do you think?