One thing I do not understand is that my SA came with an N connector for input. It is an option to get it with 3.5mm - which I do not have. I found a long discussion on Agilent site that explains ones HP uses for these 26.5GHz units aren't ordinary N connectors. (that tops at 18GHz) They are specially made so that they actually work at that frequency. Well, how do I find a mating male connector for this? No one makes this HP special version and so far, I can't find one from HP either. Maybe HP wants to sell harness for mega bucks? It got to make a transition to something else somewhere.
Luckily for me, I do not intend to go beyond 10GHz at most, and even at that, amplitude accuracy isn't critical. So I found some converter from Mini-circuits that go to 18GHz. And all else fails, I'll grab my jumper cables.