This is where the iso-variac earns its keep.
With A2 and A4 removed, there doesn't seem to be much left. Measure the resistance across C26 with F2 out, that should be your primary resistance. If that is low, check C26 and the voltage selection switches. Also test between both sides and ground to make sure the transformer hasn't shorted internally.
I doubt the caps have shorted, and if the diodes all test good in circuit, the next step IMO is to desolder the transformer secondary windings one by one, starting with 9 & 11, then 6 & 8. Or, if you have a DBT or Variac, and a current clamp, you can test for secondary current--there shouldn't be any with everything unplugged. Also, can you tell me where 14/15/16 at the bottom go to? If that unplugs, perhaps try unplugging that first.