It depends on the circuit. Generally the switched is placed on the high side.
In reference to earth gnd.
208vac, both lines(L1 and L2) are hot a triac conducts in both directions, should work
120vac(USA power), the neutral and earth ground are at the same potential, is where I'm stuck
I would connect MT1 to neutral and use MT2 for the load. That way the gate common also connects to neutral.
The load connects between the 'not' and MT2.
However, you can not always trust the wiring in the house or other because sometimes the black and white (hot and neutral) wires are switched inside the electrical outlet box. This means MT1 might get connected to the 'hot' wire in some cases.
The wiring accuracy has gotten better over the years as everyone starts to understand this better and with the introduction of the three wire and two wire plugs with wider and more narrow prongs, but there is still the possibility of a swap inside the box.
If you need to test for this with your circuit, test for voltage between the supposed 'hot' wire and neutral wire which should show the full line voltage, and from the other wire (white usually) to neutral which should slow only a small voltage or zero.