I am definitely an amateur at all this and I'm quit sure I'v got some rookie mistakes here.
The rookie mistake is you have VDD and VSS the wrong way round on the processor. VSS is ground or 0v, VDD is the supply.
The opto interrupter stuff doesn't look right but we don't know what they are.
The bridge circuit looks OKish. The transistors are 10A absolute maximum so it isn't really a 10A bridge. The bridge transistor drive might be a bit marginal. Do you know what your maximum current requirement is, remembering to consider stalled motors.
The LEDs on the bridge drive lines put too much load on the PIC outputs. You need to decrease LED current or you could just put them in series with bridge R3 and R4 resistors.
The biggest danger with H bridges is turning on both sides at once and shorting out the power supply with possible catastrophic results. It looks like the PWM generator in the PIC you intend to use can mostly take care of that, as long as you get the configuration and software right