Hey guys, I've got a DMM here that came with a thermocouple. Ever since I've got it though the thermocouple reading has been wrong, always reading over the actual temp by around 20C or so.
I have confirmed it's not the thermocouple itself by trying a different one, so something is skewed in the meter itself. I've opened it up, and can't really locate any thermistors, unless it's hidden in a package similar to a SMD resistor or capacitor, or maybe doesn't have one at all

So, my question is, is there somehow I could tweak the thermocouple or meter so it reads correctly? There are 7 potentiometers inside the meter, I'm guessing one of them might have something to do with it, but I don't exactly wanna start twiddling with the pots

EDIT: OK, I got bored, so I started playing with the pots, as any good experimenter would do

And I seem to have actually fixed it. This pot had quite a huge effect on the temp sensor readings, but I tried both resistance, capacitance and voltage measurements, and it didn't change them, so I'm pretty confident the only thing it changed was the temp reading. I'm so glad it works now, and such a simple fix, but it could have gone horribly wrong so easily too
