It's a bloody awful result and I'd not expected it to be anywhere near that bad but can we be sure the original cell wasn't faulty* from the packet or was it repeated with other cells?
You are right, I should have measured the voltage. But the speed of the train was as fast as with the other cell, at least in the beginning, and the 4 minute result is not affected, because this was done with the other battery which was used in the first test.
For details see the video, it is uploaded now (needs still some time until HD is processed for better quality) :
Video description: Testing a Brio Battery Powered Engine, Art# 33595, with the Batteroo sleeve. The tracks were glued with double-sided tape to the pertinax board, for same test conditions. Result: without the sleeve it ran for 127 minutes, with the sleeves for 59 minutes and using the sleeves on the dead battery of the first test, it ran for 4 minutes. The video shows all 3 tests in one shot, no editing, only time lapse when it is not interesting. In the small overlay at bottom right in the first half of the video, you can see the test with the sleeve, to compare it without the sleeve.
At 6:28 you can see in the overlay how it dies with the sleeve, while it is still running without the sleeve at this time, and after this you can see the 4 minute run, and at the end of the video at 24:20. You can also see that the train runs faster without the sleeve.
Conclusion: The Batteroo sleeve has no advantage for this toy.
I published the video under CC license, so anyone can use it for own videos, for voice overs etc. (I'm not much of a talker, as you can hear in the video).