Author Topic: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?  (Read 62196 times)

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Offline paulie

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #100 on: September 02, 2014, 12:32:43 am »
You are making things up.

It's easy to say that but a reasonable person might conclude my point that cheap boards can do the job fine is being challenged:

Ok, so this is a cheap minimal board. How does this qualify to be 'easiest to graduate to'?

As I wrote before: going for the cheapest board is usually a bad mistake. Cheap components are highly overrated. 

"cheapest" or "Most popular in an ebay listing" is a poor indicator of "easiest next step."

Keep in mind my reply was not to agitate hot-shots (apparently just an entertaining side effect) but in response to this request which, in addition to ease, did stress cost :

Which ARM does best work to graduate to that has the economy of programming time, as well as the cost conveniences I have described

As far as arrogance you probably meant too uppity for the post count. I'm not claiming to be an expert here. ATM 8 bit is my territory. My original introduction to ARM was to build a few dozen quad flight controllers based on this same chip as shown in the RCGroups link I put up in the other thread. No development experience at all until the club demo months later and even then it didnt pique my interest to start hacking. That book pdf is so well done I may be better able to cope with that possibility now.

Anyway like you imply, the proof is in the pudding. I know it would be great if I put up a half-assed thread so everybody and his brother could pounce. I'm going to do this right but it should only take a day or two. Maybe a couple pics of my version of the $1 fc when i get back tomorrow. Stay tuned.

ps. Wes, attached is a snapshot of the Aliexpress source I got my chips from. He's gone but there are dozens of others with similar pricing. They've been going up a few cents a week since the RCGroups thread but still under $1.60 ea afaik. The proto-boards in that photo&link I put up in the ghetto thread were 30-40 cents ea. Bottom line: less than $2 for fully functional dev platform.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 01:42:32 am by paulie »

Offline SuzyCTopic starter

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #101 on: September 02, 2014, 02:20:40 am »
Thanks again to everyone!

True:  What were those bothersome limitations with the PSoC4 board  that you've noticied?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 02:22:19 am by SuzyC »

Offline Kjelt

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #102 on: September 02, 2014, 07:07:48 am »
Yikes! Where did that come from?
A couple guys at the club did have a Discovery board but I didn't quite appreciate at the time. I knew it had STM32f but see now that one of the MCUs is actually the STM32F103.
Another tip for the club for the people that have a Discovery VL board with a STMF100: that chip  is a bit lame in RAM size so an RTOS will be troublesome.
BUT: hey ST sells pincompatible STM32F103's with much more RAM and ROM  ;)
Nice upgrade: buy a $3 STM32F103 and upgrade the DiscVL board.

Offline true

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #103 on: September 02, 2014, 07:11:17 am »
Thanks again to everyone!

True:  What were those bothersome limitations with the PSoC4 board  that you've noticied?

Not with the board, just with the pin routing (not as "every pin can do everything" as they claim, and sometimes limitations depending on what is routed where, but honestly it's still way more configurable than other micros) and library size (10K flash eaten up with a couple of capsense buttons and a pwm, on a chip with 32K flash). And I haven't even started really developing the firmware yet, so I imagine this flash space will grow pretty rapidly as I use API and other library stuff...

BUT as long as you get over the steep curve of using the IDE to set up the higher-level stuff, it's super easy to develop for. While steep it isn't very long to be honest and Cypress does have some videos showing how to use it. All the built-in high level stuff has its own datasheets which are very easy to follow and understand. The API generation bit is novel but with how unique the PSoC is they can get away with things like this. And I don't think it's bad, in fact for a beginner it should make things pretty easy, but do remember it is a Cypress-ism so try not to get tied to it :) And capsense is ridiculously easy to get going.

It can also be comparatively difficult to develop for if you want it to be;for example making use of the UDBs for custom logic, but this isn't anything you need to touch unless you find a use for it. But if you do find a use it can be a very powerful thing. (I am using some for some custom logic and PWM stuff for my application, all done in hardware, without using any other chip resources or supporting firmware.) Debugger is expensive compared to many of the other ARMs discussed but Cypress provides source for their KitProg debugger and you can turn a $7-ish FX2LP devboard into a PSoC4 programmer, or do a really basic mod to a $30 Pioneer board. And they have the $4 sticks which while not as nice as ST (no debugger, but instead a USB-UART/I2C/more) are still dirt cheap. So a nice mixed bag :)

They also have micros at $0.29/qty1000 which although extremely limiting (one timer, I2C and I think slave only at that, no ADC, no UDBs, a other missing things) is really damn cheap if you are doing something really really basic. And again that's a 32-bit Cortex-M0.

But the PSoC4 itself is quirky compared to the rest of the line and it shows sometimes. It's also a bit limiting in some aspects as it's a relatively small line - no USB for example if that's a requirement, no CAN, a few other things that aren't in the product line. For many things though it's like any other micro.

Offline paulie

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #104 on: September 02, 2014, 01:28:07 pm »
ST sells pincompatible STM32F103's with much more RAM and ROM  ;)
Nice upgrade: buy a $3 STM32F103 and upgrade the DiscVL board.

Or buy 10 for only a few dollars more. LOL. BTW note that there is already an STM32f103 on that board with pins to program it. A couple of my buddies have done this and it's a great way to break into the 32 bit world.

Notice to avoid hijacking this thread I've started a new one for my own version of minimum development ARM project:

Offline SuzyCTopic starter

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #105 on: September 02, 2014, 07:31:27 pm »
Ture:  Wow, 10K of the 32k just for one PWM and not much else!

My program uses 2PWM, 6 A2D channels, Rotary Encoder (3-wire), IC2, LCD interface (4 PORTB bits), One moment. Sw, two debug bits, a diagnostic LED

Can anyone tell me: What would this same config take in terms of program mem on a PSoC4?

My current project can configure two 16F88x PWM1 and PWM2 takes exactly145-bytes  of program mem.

Actual total code shown below to config and control 2 PWMs:   THIS CODE COMPILES SUCCESSFULLY
#include  <htc.h>

__CONFIG(0x20F2);//CONFIG word 1 bit5=MCLRE=1=RESET PIN1, bit14,15 not used
                    //BOREN=SW CTRL   bit12=LVP=0 HV programming
                    //SBOREN SW CTRLD bit2:0 are OscType 010 for 20MHz Xtal
__CONFIG(0x3FFF);//CONFIG word 2  //LVBOREN BOR3V Enabled <2.1V BOR

static unsigned int        DCyc,DCyc1;

void PWM1Setup(void);
void PWM2Setup(void);

interrupt int_server(void)   
if (T0IF)      // TMR0 overflow flag, if set triggers IRQ  TMR0Clk=Clk/2
 { TMR0=17;    //Comp needed for 4Mhz, calibrates timer for 1uS/IRQ.
   T0IF=0;     //12 inst cycles IRQ Dly +5 cyles for tot=250 counts/IRQ x2uS

 } //------------------------------------------------


CCP1X=(DCyc & 2)==2; //bit1   of PWM (LSB 1)
CCP1Y=(DCyc&1);      //bit0   of PWM (LSB 0), 1024 duty cycle values

CCP2X=(DCyc1 & 2)==2; //bit1   of PWM (LSB 1)
CCP2Y=(DCyc1&1);      //bit0   of PWM (LSB 0), 1024 duty cycle values

}//-----end of Interrupt Handler---------------------------------------

void main(void)
  INTCON = 0;  // Interrupts disabled
  TRISC =0xB8; // UART TXD=RC6 input, RXD=RC7,RC5 for ROTENC
               // RC3,4 for i2c  cbit3, cbit4 will be used for i2c
               // i2c Clock cbit3 held low until ready, i2cinit() to receive
               // roten lines cbit5 cbit7 are high and ready
               //cbit1, cbit2 setup for PWM
  OPTION_REG=0x80; // div by 2 TMR0 prescaler. Turnoff weak pullups B0-B7
  T0IE=1;      // Enable TMR0 rollover IRQ
  TMR0=0;      // Must be set in IRQ routine for 100-uS IRQ's 20-Mhz Xtal
  T1CKPS0=1;   // Set TMR1 prescaler to div. by 8
  T1CKPS1=1;   // 0x03 = div. by 8 for 1.6uS counts with 20-MHz Xtal

  TMR0=0;      // Reset each IRQ, correction for 100-uS IRQ's with 20-Mhz Xtal
  TMR1ON=0;    // Disable TMR1 until started in IRQ routine
  PEIE=1;      // Must be 1 for ADIE(or any peripheral IRQ to be enabled)
  GIE=1;       // Global enable all unmasked IRQs


start:; //---------------------  START  ------------------------------


  goto start;

}       // ==============  end of main()   ================= 

//====  PWM setup CCP1 cbit2   ====

void PWM1Setup(void) //CCP1 output cbit2 PWM setup


TMR1IE=0;     // Disable TMR1 IRQ's

PR2=0xFF; //19.53KHz  20Mhz  Highest PWM freq for 10-Bit Resolution

TMR2ON=1; //Turn on TMR2  used for duty cycle period
CCP1CON=0b00001100;  //Turn on PWM mode 0 Duty Cycle
//====   End of PWM1Setup   ====


 void PWM2Setup(void) //CCP2 cbit1 setup

CCP2CON=0b00001100;  //Turn on CCP2 PWM mode with 0 Duty Cycle

//====   End of PWM2Setup   ====
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 08:34:34 pm by SuzyC »

Offline dannyf

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #106 on: September 02, 2014, 07:58:55 pm »
Wow, 10K of the 32k just for one PWM and not much else!

If you want to get people to help you, make it easy for them to help. Posting for example a compilable piece of code would be the starting point.

Looking at your code, I would be surprised if the pieces get compiled to materially more than 1KB.

Offline SuzyCTopic starter

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #107 on: September 02, 2014, 08:22:07 pm »
dannyF: My apologies, now the code is exactly as compiled to configure two PWM's on a 16F88x

The above PWM config code compiles successfully, corrected omission of some actual var values.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 08:26:58 pm by SuzyC »

Offline miguelvp

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #108 on: September 02, 2014, 09:13:28 pm »
Ture:  Wow, 10K of the 32k just for one PWM and not much else!

I wouldn't call the capsense as not much else :)

But for example, this frequency meter

uses this:
Flash used: 9054 of 32768 bytes (27.6 %).
SRAM used: 1540 of 4096 bytes (37.6 %).

This one with a single ADC and a single PWM:

uses this:
Flash used: 3912 of 32768 bytes (11.9 %).
SRAM used: 236 of 4096 bytes (5.8 %).

You can download PSoC Creator and the sample code from 100 projects in 100 days

And compile the projects to see what the memory footprint is. If you don't want to actually compile the project usually they are fully build and the build log will be included under


And the usage will be at the end of the log.

Online zapta

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #109 on: September 02, 2014, 09:35:15 pm »
Using an ARM processor with 32K flash is like driving a Ferrari that has only two cylinders.  Sometimes it's good enough, sometimes it's not.  ;-)

Offline 22swg

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #110 on: September 02, 2014, 09:42:08 pm »
Looking at the frequency counter code

#include "device.h"
#include "tinyprintf.h" // normal stdlib won't fit in flash
on Creator 2.2
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Offline dannyf

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #111 on: September 02, 2014, 09:48:15 pm »
The above PWM config code compiles successfully, corrected omission of some actual var values.

Maybe you want to post the PIC24F code that yields 10K flash.

Offline dannyf

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #112 on: September 02, 2014, 09:52:39 pm »
Flash used: 9054 of 32768 bytes (27.6 %).
SRAM used: 1540 of 4096 bytes (37.6 %).

The frequency meter i wrote for a pic24f compiles to 1812 bytes flash and 24 bytes of sram.

It drives a 16x2 lcd as well.

Offline miguelvp

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #113 on: September 03, 2014, 12:17:16 am »
Yeah, it's the price for all the configuration options and supporting code for the configurable modules, it does seem resource hungry.

BTW the 10K of code it was on the PSoC not on PIC24F.

So even if the PSoCs are nice chips the price you pay for all those programmable blocks are in resources.

The 5LP are way better with 256K of flash and 64K of SRAM but as resource hungy, the progkit source for the pioneer board that makes the PSoC 5LP into a programmer debugger uses the following resources:

Flash used: 73630 of 262144 bytes (28.1 %).
SRAM used: 22789 of 65536 bytes (34.8 %).

So the ease of configuring the device does come at the price of resources.

Offline dannyf

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #114 on: September 03, 2014, 12:32:08 am »
My current project can configure two 16F88x PWM1 and PWM2 takes exactly145-bytes  of program mem.

A quick test on pic24f:

program overhead only (start-up + my house keeping): 1155 bytes;
program overhead + 5 channel pwm: 1215 bytes.
= 5 channel pwm only: 60 bytes.

mcu utilization: 0% - the pwm generation is entirely hardware and takes away no mcu processing power.

Total line of code: 6 lines;
Total time to code: 20 seconds - conservative estimate, :)

Offline dannyf

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #115 on: September 03, 2014, 01:43:39 am »
My program uses 2PWM, 6 A2D channels, Rotary Encoder (3-wire), IC2, LCD interface (4 PORTB bits), One moment. Sw, two debug bits, a diagnostic LED[/size]

My estimates, on a pic24-class mcu:

2pwm: 20 bytes;
a2d: 100 bytes;
rotary encoder: 150 bytes (via interrupt. otherwise, 50 bytes);
ic2: not sure what it is;
lcd: 1.5kb;

For a total 2KB + 1KB of overhead.

Call it 4KB to be conservative.

Offline miguelvp

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #116 on: September 03, 2014, 06:11:46 am »
So because of "AN84858 - PSoC® 4 Programming Using an External Microcontroller (HSSP)" the program uploaded to the prototype board lost the bootloader, so I can only program it via that program or get a miniprog 3 or figure out how to do it with the kitprog source.

But there is another way. You can also use another prototype board to program it and restore the bootloader:

Note that you can't debug with this method so I'll have to pursue the pioneer route.

It's late so I think I'll resume later but I have a busy day tomorrow but I have Monday and Tuesday off, so hopefully it's done by then.

The MiniProg3 looks cheaper the more time I put into this other than I'm having fun figuring out the details on these MCUs.

I didn't get the pioneer to act as a debugger, however I got the pioneer to act as a programmer and I restored the bootloader on the prototype board. Normally this is only possible with the miniprog (and probably easier) but they have a program that takes the hex load file to create a C source for the HSSP code mentioned that made it loose the bootloader.

It was my only 4200 prototype board and if I had another one I could have use it to program the other one as well, but the 2nd one I got was a 4100 prototype board and the project bootloader (without source for that part) was only for the 4200.

On the progkit front, I need to use I2C as well as the SWD and I can't seem to find a way (yet) to use it as a miniprog for programming and debugging.

If this was for work, even spending 1 hour on it will justify the miniprog price so I think I'll be getting one soon because I wasted a whole long weekend (well not really since it was my wife's B-day so I didn't have that much time to deal with the PSoCs).

Offline miguelvp

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #117 on: September 05, 2014, 04:28:49 am »
So I got the Pioneer working as a programmer/debugger.
I did ask in the element14 thread where they released the source code for the Pioneer's KitProg programmer/debugger.

I didn't get any replies but I rewired my approach. Here is what I posted there:
I connected the Pioneer's PSoC 4 P3_0, P3_1, GND, P4_VDD & /XRES to the same pins in the prototype kit.
For SWDIO and SWDCLK used the PSoC 5LP P0_0 and P0_1 and connected those to the prototype board.
I only had to change the ProgKit pinout for SWDIO from P5LP2_0 to P5LP0_0  and SWDCLK from P5LP2_1 to P5LP0_1 and wired it as shown here:

Now I can use program directly from Creator 3.0 and if I open Debug/Select Debug Target... I get the KitProg with the chip enumerated within it.

Finally I was able to attach to the running program or debug it from scratch and set a Breakpoint

Thank you for making the KitProg source available!  8)

So not only is the Pioneer a cool dev kit, but it replaces a $90 programmer/debugger as well. Not bad for a $25 kit   :-+

Edit: Not sure if I need the 4.7K pullup resistor but the Pioneer schematic has it.
Edit2: I was too hasty about debugging from scratch, I can however attach, might be because the project is a bootable one? Not sure. Also I dont need P3_0 and P3_1 and I bet the pullup resistor can go away as well, leaving just 5 wires.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 04:39:46 am by miguelvp »

Offline miguelvp

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #118 on: September 05, 2014, 06:10:01 am »
If the program is not bootloadable it has full debug, meaning you can press F5 and step through the code from main.

Of course I don't run it in such a small window, I resized the IDE to make it more post friendly :)

Excuse the mess of jumper wires, but this has the Pioneer debugging the prototype kit that runs a frequency counter (on the floating yellow wire on the left) that is picking up the 60Hz mains that is everywhere.

Edit: I overdid the constrast so it will show up in the camera.

So it's acting like a MiniProg after all. Also I didn't need the pull up resistor nor the 2 wires for SPI, so it's a 5 wire programmer (Edit: well 3 plus ground and VDD) just like the MiniProg.

Edit: and I don't have to care about removing the bootloader on the prototype kit since I can upload a bootloader anytime now.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 06:32:54 am by miguelvp »

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #119 on: September 06, 2014, 06:54:27 am »
BTW I do have a 4100 prototype board (same as the 4200 but without the analog) and I hooked it up to the Pioneer

I powered it up with the modified external pins and the chip showed under the KitProg and I was able to acquire it.
Edit: I know the source code the released is for version 2.03 of the programmer and the latest one is version 2.08. I'm not sure what the updated in the programmer since then but seems to work fine).

Also I was able to program it and debug it. Not sure about PSoC 1, PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP (or PSoC 5 but they got replaced by the 5LP) but They probably show up just fine, but I didn't look deep in the code nor have access to kits with them at the moment.

Edit: there is also a 4000 series that should work as well.

So $4 breadboard prototype kits with $25 programmer and debugger plus a development kit and $1 chips until the end of this month (I have 40 sitting around but gotta do some boards). They just need three 1 uF and two 0.1uF bypass caps to be internally regulated from an unregulated 1.8V to 5.5V input source. Or I could just short three pins if I want to use a regulated 1.8±5%V input supply.

Edit: the built in 4200 is running a separate capsense program that changes the RGB light from red to green and unaffected by programming the external board.

Edit: of course the PSoC 5LP (ARM cortex M3) and the PSoC 3 (8051) are more capable than the PSoC 4 series (ARM cortex M0) since they can natively do USB and all that good jazz. The PSoC 5LP go for around $10 and the PSoC 3 go for around $5 in low quantities. and the PSoC 4 are limited priced (with free shipping until the end of September 2014) for $1 normally at around $2.50. But it seems that you'll be able to price match with them if you are considering an alternate solution.

They seem to be hungry for customers for now.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2014, 07:56:55 am by miguelvp »

Offline SuzyCTopic starter

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #120 on: September 06, 2014, 04:20:14 pm »
I just started, and now I am just stopped!

I set the Project Device=CY8C4245AXI-483 correctly

I downloaded PSOC Creator latest ed. and the first and only thing I tried to insert an A2D block into a PSoC4200 blank project. I must be missing some simple step.

The chip chosen is correct, but when I configure the Seq. A2D block to 6 A2D muxed channels and try to compile I get the following error:

apr.m0032 net:NET_67 is connected to an analog mux but is not connect to an external component.

If I compile the completely unmodified blank project it compiles correctly. If I add the default unmodified 4-Chan Differentially configured Seq. A2D it gives the same error.
I searched Cypress forum online forums and Help but to no avail. I watched the videos, they don't show how to insert an Seq. A2D  component, but there are examples that work that do use and show the A2D working..What am I doing wrong to deserve this?


Something is Hexing my Binaries.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2014, 04:51:02 pm by SuzyC »

Offline dannyf

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #121 on: September 06, 2014, 04:56:48 pm »
to no avail.

That's the risk you take with such a unique part. I think someone mentioned this earlier to you in this very thread.

Offline SuzyCTopic starter

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #122 on: September 06, 2014, 05:11:04 pm »
Hoo Haa!

I just had to rename the pins from Pin_1 to something like AN0, etc to get it to work.

So far, my memory usage is:

Flash used: 1254 of 32768 bytes (3.8 %).
SRAM used: 1532 of 4096 bytes (37.4 %).

Offline miguelvp

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #123 on: September 06, 2014, 06:26:17 pm »
Glad you got it working, just woke up because on Fridays I stay up and wake up late on Saturday :)

One thing to know is that you can click on the actual error and it should take you to where the problem is at.
Sometimes it doesn't but most of the times it does.

Did you get the MiniProg or did you get a Pioneer to start with?

Offline SuzyCTopic starter

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Re: HELP! What MCU (greater than 8-bits of smarts) is easiest to graduate to?
« Reply #124 on: September 06, 2014, 07:06:09 pm »
Thanks miguelvp!

I got the $4 MiniProg.

Can anyone tell me why my C is no longer Pic C (pronounced Pixie)

In my pic program:

/* This is my old PIC 16F88x code and it works perfectly*/
#include <htc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

static unsigned char Buf[40];
static unsigned char *bp=Buf;


  strcpy(bp,"What the??? ");

goto start;

//----------------Cypressed C
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static unsigned char Buf[40];
static unsigned char *bp=Buf;



  strcpy(bp,"What the??? "); //gives me a warning: Passing unsigned 'char *' to /.pointers of type 'char *' converts between pointers of integer type with different signs

goto start;

« Last Edit: September 06, 2014, 07:10:38 pm by SuzyC »

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