Author Topic: Twenty passengers on missing flight 370 worked for Freescale Semiconductors  (Read 184591 times)

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I see tomnod had moved south. Those are the crowdsource guys asking people to search. You would think radar imaging would be more effective. Even so I guess just having people look at data instead of theorizing on aliens is good. I could also be totally wrong and the images they have cover areas not yet looked at.

Offline pickle9000

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Ooops here is the Tomnod link

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People like you or I who have not suffered any loss from this tragedy can afford to consider the press conferences a waste of time if they don't tell something new or solid. However the people who still want to cling to some glimmer of hope or who just want to know what happened so they can try to move on probably have a different outlook. They press conferences are probably as much a political exercise to protect officials from criticism about not doing enough.
Perhaps you're right. To me if I try to imagine (as far as that is possible in this situation) I would rather just hear that they are doing their best searching then that they shift the search region every 2 days another 1000km's I mean that is from Netherlands to the South of France, ergo they have simply no clue where to search. That is information you probably don't want to know as a relative but perhaps  I am mistaken.

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When it comes to the families I think trust was lost early on. Without trust in the investigator the stress simply magnifies. I'm not sure if you could ever gain that back. I'd think that making the Australians the primary investigators would be something of a help. Hard evidence of course will also help.

Personally I think the damage has been done and it will be years or never to reduce the pain.

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« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 10:56:51 pm by EEVblog »

Offline Alexei.Polkhanov

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I don't understand why not simply publish the whole recording on some website "as is" and let everyone to hear it for themselves. Why does it always have to be presented through some kind of dumb ass "expert opinion" or stupid "official team of investigators". I can build my own conclusion on every object matter if I have raw data.


Offline TerraHertz

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Too busy to write up my thoughts atm. Just...

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
-- J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director 1924-1972, quoted in The Elks Magazine (August 1956).

Removed link to one of the whackiest conspiracy theory sites on the net. They won't get SEO from here.

Once you have decided an information source is habitually misleading, it's still possible to extract useful information from it by observing meta-attributes. The rate of change of their version, and how that correlates with the timeline of reliably known events. Logical and physical inconsistencies in their version. Things they *don't* mention. And so on.

Usually such meta-attributes reveal aspects of the source's motivations - what they are trying to achieve.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 04:27:15 am by EEVblog »
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Offline BravoV

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And WTF, they got the final words from the pilot wrong?

And they still don't know who said it?

These people are simply unbelievable  :palm:

This thing is turning into a joke for them isn't it ?

Don't they have any decent and "adequately" smart people there in the Malaysia government officials ? Not even a single one ?  :-DD

Offline TerraHertz

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If any of this is related to the ex-Malaysian Airlines 777 sitting in a hangar in Israel since Nov 2013

Your inability to provide links to back this up is duly noted.

Your inability to remember that I keep an online chronological list of all MH370 links I've found and thought even vaguely interesting, that I've mentioned that URL several times, and which I still update regularly, is duly noted.
Or would it be that you deliberately forget, because you consider it 'conspiracy crazy stuff'?
Despite that 80% of the links are mainstream media sources.

Secondly, if you'd bothered to google 'MH370 Israel' or anything like that, you'd have found multiple sources of that story about the 777 painted identically to Malaysian Airlines MH370, who bought it, where it came from, how it got to Israel, and when. There's even a photo on an Israeli site supposedly of that plane on the ground at an Israeli airport, about to be hangared.

But it's OK. Don't let yourself get upset wondering if maybe your entire 'governments are good, and would never lie to us or engage in horrific conspiracies for truly evil ends' worldview might be a delusional fantasy. Just keep watching the TV news. Everything is fine.

Btw, Christopher Bollyn (who dug up the Israeli MH370-double info) is a truly top notch independent investigative reporter. Very meticulous. It's kind of surprising he hasn't been Wellstoned yet.
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Secondly, if you'd bothered to google 'MH370 Israel' or anything like that, you'd have found multiple sources of that story about the 777 painted identically to Malaysian Airlines MH370, who bought it, where it came from, how it got to Israel, and when.

I did, and there is nothing to see there. Only if you have a hard-on for government conspiracy theories do you extract something from nothing.

Offline pickle9000

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I thought some would like to take a look at this. This is the Doppler information and the letter that explained it to the Malaysian team.

Here is a link to an Inmarsat interview. The most interesting thing I see and that was in another interview what that the passed the information off to another (undisclosed) satellite group and Boeing. That was a peer review (of sorts) and then passed it on.

So far this appears to be only thing they have to go on.

Offline Wytnucls

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The cargo manifest hasn't been released to the public, or to the Australian authorities yet.
Something fishy going on there, which could possibly incriminate the airline, if the dangerous goods were not packed properly.

Offline TheBorg

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Secondly, if you'd bothered to google 'MH370 Israel' or anything like that, you'd have found multiple sources of that story about the 777 painted identically to Malaysian Airlines MH370, who bought it, where it came from, how it got to Israel, and when. There's even a photo on an Israeli site supposedly of that plane on the ground at an Israeli airport, about to be hangared.

No offense, but I fail to see how an Israeli airline buying a plane, which just happens to have a similar paint scheme proves anything. If the intent of Israel was to secretly steal MH370 (or any other nefarious act), why would they need an identical plane? Why not save $30+ million and just, I don't know, take the plane? Seems to me that buying an identical plane would just raise more suspicion.
And why would they even need the plane? A bunch of businessmen, families, and lithium batteries... not exactly hard to find things in Israel.

So yes, I agree with the moderators on this one. As no reasons have been provided why it is relevant, it just seems to be a pretty great coincidence. And in this discussion, needless information that is just mere speculation.
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No offense, but I fail to see how an Israeli airline buying a plane

It's an American company HQ'd in Florida:
Nothing to see here...

Offline TheBorg

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No offense, but I fail to see how an Israeli airline buying a plane

It's an American company HQ'd in Florida:
Nothing to see here...
:palm:  :palm:
Either way...
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Offline TerraHertz

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Whoopdy-doo. Some entry in some database that says the plane is stored in Israel?
Who entered the data?
Who last actually saw it?
Does anyone know why it was bought, or why (presumably) it's being stored? - No.
Why is it so unusual that it's being stored in Israel?
Is is so suspicious that a company actually bought a plane from an airline? - No.
Who bought it? GA Telesis, that's who, a huge company that does exactly that, buys planes and uses them for parts or leases them as fleet planes etc, and does all sorts of stuff. For them to buy and store a plane is completely usual business. They have a billion dollars worth of assets under management.
This is a pretty dumb conspiracy theory, because if you step back and take a look, nothing unusual has happened here at all.

Incidentally, my original reference to that plane was:
Speaking of strange, why has Israel had an identical looking 777, in the exact same paint scheme as the missing MH370, warehoused in Tel Aviv since November 2013? That's a lot of cash to leave sitting idle for 'no reason'.

How did you come to say that I didn't provide a link?

There's no 'conspiracy theory' here. Just some people pointing out that there is an identical model 777, in the same paintjob as MH370, sitting in a hangar in Tel Aviv. When you have a disappeared plane with 230 people on board, and various other international situations that may also be relevant, and so far NO SOLID EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER of what ultimately happened to MH370 after it left Malaysian radar space, such details as a perfect 'body double' for MH370, are absolutely worth noting.
What they may or may not mean, and whether any solid connections turn up later, are separate issues.
As for people speculating on possible connections - of course all such speculations involve conspiracy theories - by definition. It's very silly to dismiss them because they are conspiracy theories.

The tree of possibilities, at top level is quite limited:

MH370 missing because:
 1. Fault/misshap/fire onboard.
 2. Deliberate action involving only one or both pilots.
 3. Deliberate action involving persons/groups external to the plane. May or may not also involve pilot(s).

#1 can perhaps be discounted. Someone entered new waypoints, made no radio messages, but the plane kept flying and systems kept pinging Inmarsat for hours, etc. I don't believe the 'climbed to 45K feet' part, since the climb rate quoted is impossible - must be a radar systems artifact, likely due to cessation of transponder data feed. This scenario is only possible if somehow both pilots and everyone else lost consciousness very suddenly - no chance for the pilots to grab oxygen masks. Which they do have.
If there was poison/incapacitating gas... but then it becomes Case #3.
Only thing I can think of, is pilots became aware of a problem in the hold, set new waypoints to get back to a runway, then BOTH went down to the hold to deal with the situation. And while there (with no breathing equipment) were overcome by fumes or there was a hull breach. Then everyone else lost consciousness too, AND the fire or whatever had killed ACARS then did no further damage so the plane could fly on under autopilot. BUT... then how come the final turn south much later? And they BOTH left the cockpit? This really doesn't work.

#2 is ridiculous. Anyone wanting to suicide with a planeload of people will (does) just do it, not stealthily wait till crossing an airspace border then vanish the plane. Anyone wanting to make demands with the plane as hostages wont act that way either. Even sudden complete insanity seems very unlikely due to the calculated actions.

#3 leads into a very messy branching maze of vague possibilities, made worse by the near total absence of clues.
By definition, this entire branch involves conspiracy. Anyone who rejects all consideration of #3 on principle "because conspiracy" is frankly suffering from a serious cognitive defect.
To quote Sherlock Holmes (Doyle) "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

#1 is still a faint, faint possibility. But finding things like a 'plane body double' hidden away; someone trying to fly a no-transponder 777 into Dutch airspace during the nuclear summit meeting recently; the attempts to paint the two Iranian refugees onboard as likely hijackers (complete with photoshopped image);  the total non-mention in the MSM of Diego Garcia and its long range radars, and many other curious details, certainly aren't helping eliminate #3 from consideration.
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Offline Wytnucls

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"#1 can perhaps be discounted"
Yes, obviously, since it doesn't fit into any conspiracy theories.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 07:57:39 am by Wytnucls »

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#1 is still a faint, faint possibility. But

#1 is still by far the most likely scenario for anyone but a nutjobber who's obsessed with government or other conspiracy theories.
You seem to be slipping in such conspiracy theories in an ever nicer way to prevent yourself being banned or having your posts deleted. So I'll make this clear, don't post in this thread again, I won't have it turn into conspiracy central. There are plenty of other places were you can post that stuff. I'd ban you from this thread, but SMF does not allow that.


Offline Kjelt

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"#1 can perhaps be discounted"
Yes, obviously, since it doesn't fit into any conspiracy theories.
Perhaps it landed/crashed in a desert and is buried under the sand. Let's get back to reality and wait till the Australian search team find something relevant.

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Let's get back to reality and wait till the Australian search team find something relevant.

I'm beginning to think they'll never find anything. The pinger is all but dead, and the odds of having the gear in place to detect it and be in the right location to detect it in the remaining time is practically zero. All they have turned up is garbage, and the Indian ocean is a big-arse place. Seems like it'll just be pot luck if they recover anything at all, let alone actually find the crash location.

Offline Kjelt

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I'm beginning to think they'll never find anything.
Is there already a discussion in your country who is going to pay for all this, I mean there goes millions of taxpayers $.
I could understand that there would be some sort of opposition already and if not now in not too long time.

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Is there already a discussion in your country who is going to pay for all this, I mean there goes millions of taxpayers $.
I could understand that there would be some sort of opposition already and if not now in not too long time.

Every country has obligations to help out in search and rescue in their various waters, or where they are best able. In our case we are closest and also have the required technical capability. I believe there is some sort of formal definition of this and the areas involved, and that Australia has massive areas officially allocated to them.
No one complains about this sort of thing, most generally take pride that we can help.  The military are always just pissing away our tax dollars regardless.

Ah, just checked, here it is, we are responsible for half the Indian Ocean:

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