I seem to have bricked my scope while performing the firmware downgrade… When I restart the scope it does not boot up but one can see that the lcd is turned on but there is no image…
Any tips, can I somehow trigger a reflash from this state?
I have access to the necessary equipment to desolder and reflash most types of memories in a programmer .. but i rather not if there is any other way…
Hello Everybody,
I'm new on this forum... also tried the firmware downgrade, but unfortunately used the 02.01.01 Firmware for downgrading. Result was the same as Halman's:
Fan running, but no image on the screen and no response on USB and RS232.
I was trying to figure out the pinning of the internal JTAG header:
| o o |
| |
| o |> GND
| |
GND <| o o |> CPU Pin85 = TMS
| |
GND <| o o |> CPU Pin94 = TCK
| |
GND <| o o |
| |
GND <| o o |> CPU Pin86 = TDI
| |
GND <| o o |> CPU Pin87 = TDO
There should also be a 3V3 Pin at least on the header, I haven't checked it yet.
Flash S29GL064N90TFI04 runs at 3.3V, word-mode
Pin95-BMODE1 = 0V
Pin96-BMODE0 = 3V3
--> Boot from (16bit) Flash
The CPU's datasheet mentions a internal ROM; I'm not sure if it's really a ROM (meaning that even Rigol hasn't changed it) and I want to find out it's content. My goal is to get access to the CPU via the JTAG interface to try to reflash the FLASH.
Has anybody found out about the Flash's layout? It's 8MBytes large, but the *.rgl files are only 2MBytes large...?
@halman, shafri: Please give an update about your work.