I work for a large organization that has the worst purchasing department I’ve ever had to deal with. The stories of inefficiency and plain stupidity from them are many, but the latest one totally takes the cake. We have a large control system that is critical to our business, and it is a hot mess (another story altogether) and we need to replace the software while continuing to use the hardware. There is an individual, George, that worked with the company that wrote the original software/hardware for the control system and knows it intimately. Since severing his relationship to the control system company George has designed and written his own software that does what we need it to do. After 5 pilot projects to prove it works, the decision was made to replace the rest of the hot messes with George’s system. To my knowledge there is no one else that does what George does in this very small niche control system world.
So this is where purchasing gets involved. Because of the dollar amounts involved they have to cut the purchase requisition. I tell them that George is the only vendor and his quote to do the work is very reasonable. However, purchasing is all like “NO! we MUST have completion for every bid!” Long, long story short, purchasing found a company, Widget, Inc., that George used to work for that said they could do the job. When asked just how they were going to do that, their answer was “We will just contract with George to do the work.” Purchasing was happy because they had “competition” and I’m
how is that competition? There is just one George and he can quote any price he wants to Widget, Inc. and they will mark it up and George will give us his own bid. Who do you think will be the lowest bid?
Do you have stupid purchasing department stories?
Oh, George was, no surprise, the low bid. And we missed our window of opportunity because of the purchasing delays, so the price actually went up.