It's the leakage current into the Earth Ground pin. Usually, from the class-Y cap being too high between the Hot and Earth Ground.
Remember, some of these GFCI breakers can trip with currents as low at 4ma.
A treadmill has a huge metal chassis and DC motor which will be Earth Grounded, all it can take is too high a class-Y cap with some noisy power, or even some machine oil close to the motor's brushes and it's power lines to excede that 4miliamps tripping your breaker.
Older designs weren't so carefully isolated during UL safety approvals. A modern treadmill shouldn't get close to this current.
Also with the potential allowed <1ma, if you have other leaky items plugged in all totaling up to ~2-3ma on the same circuit, the treadmill ~1ma to frame ground could be the tripping point. IE: a few devices, each with a 0.1uf class Y cap on the same circuit will trip the 4ma breaker. On the other hand, a few devices each with 0.022uf caps wont get close.
My old treadmill's manual states I should use a dedicated circuit for it alone.