We mostly don't get news about Italy and Spain now in the mass media anymore, because the news are too bad. Most of the information from our Government from now is echo chambering how well they think they are handling the situation, and how Finland has definitely enough resources in the healthcare (as the only country in the world!)
Yeah, according to WHO today Italy is doing the worst of all, with 473 new deaths in the last day, compared to 42 in US and 11 in China. Spain is at 107.
By the way, WOW, Finland has NO DEATHS at all from COVID19. Bravo.
Actually there are a whole bunch of countries with no deaths at all. Israel, Vietnam, Iceland, much of Southeast Asia (eg, India region), etc.
What the fuck? At the morning 8am we were 833 deaths. Now , when i am writing the message are almost 4pm in Spain, we are 1102 deaths. Almost 300 deaths more than this morning.
Cifras totales: 19.980 casos diagnosticados, 1002 muertos (Today 12pm)
7.165 en Madrid (628 muertos)
3.270 en Cataluña (82 muertos)
1.465 en País Vasco (71 muertos)
1.105 en la Comunidad Valenciana (33 muertos)
1.287 en Andalucía (30 muertos)
1.044 en Castilla-La Mancha (62 muertos)
1.147 en Castilla y León (43 muertos)
497 en La Rioja (7 muertos)
554 en Navarra(5 muertos)
578 en Galicia (5 muertos)
360 en Aragón (17 muertos)
344 en Asturias (2 muertos)
297 en Extremadura (10 muertos)
287 en Canarias (4 muertos)
203 en Baleares (2 muertos)
204 en Murcia
144 en Cantabria (1 muerto)
24 en Melilla
5 en Ceuta
Se han curado 1.588 personas
Lack the upgrading date deaths in the Cataluña , that the m..fk publish each day to 8pm.
In Madrid have the crematories working 24 hours per day , burning the fallings . There are three hospitals COLLAPSED and other 4 almost full. Besides there are protocols for leaving to die elder people that have hope of life less of the 2 years