Going by historical reports, this isn't as bad as Spanish flu, which was far more deadly. I imagine if this happened 30 or so years ago, there would be loads of old people saying they've seen worse and it's bonkers. One of the reasons the Spanish flu had a greater impact might have been the population was in generally worse health, as it came after the war, so we can't compare it to that.
At first I thought this is all crazy and the world has gone mad, but now I think this might be all necessary. We don't know as much about covid, as we do about common flu. It seems to have a higher death rate and is just as contagious. I'm not worried about my own health, because I'm sure I'll survive it, but my parent's are in their 70s. My mum, has had two stokes in the past, is in recovery from surgery on a brain haemorrhage and my day has asthma and a colostomy bag, so it could be very serious for them. Another issue is this could affect the following generation. Children born to mothers with Spanish flu or who caught it when they were very young tended to do poorer in school. We don't want to risk have increased levels of learning disability in the future, so it's better to be overcautious, than do nothing at all.
I think culture and upbringing could also be factors. I'm currently off work because I have a cough, which normally wouldn't bother me. I've been told throughout my life not to be a wimp and call in sick because I'm mildly unwell. When I was at school I won various awards for attendance. I went for four years without being late or off sick and won a crappy prize for it: some book vouchers which I never used.
People are helping one another out. I went out in the front garden this morning to bury some food waste (strongly recommended, if you have a garden: if you don't have room for a compost heap, just bury it in the border). My neighbour stuck her head out of the door and said "I notice you have a bad cough" I said "Yes, that's why I'm off work, keep away from me!" and she said "Well if you need any shopping done for you, don't hesitate to ask" I said "Thanks". It did make me feel happy, but probably won't take her up on her offer as my parents will go shopping on Saturday and I'll ask them to pick up a few things for me. Obviously, I'll ask them to drop them off outside the house and I'll give them the money through the letterbox, to minimise contact.