Dave, you should be careful about the ELM327 readers from China. There are a lot of clones out there, and they're usually slow, and they can cause interference. When I plug it in my car and turn on the ignition, the ABS lamp starts flashing. My reader has a MAC address of AA:BB:CC:11:22:33 or something like that, and it also came with a burned mini CD with a windows program and a key generator for it, so that tells you how much thought they've put into it. I'd not trust an expensive car to some cheap ass Wun Hung-Lo thing. I've that read the genuine ELM327 chips alone costs around 20 euros in bulk.
Edit: Another thing is that modern car has a CAN-BUS network which almost EVERYTHING in the car is connected to, and the CAN technology was never really designed to be connected to the outside world, so there's not much security in that system. If you haven't heard about the Jeep that got hacked on the highway, you may want to check out that.