Tried a stable bench supply in place of the lith bat, got absolutely bugger all from it, wouldn't turn on, didn't do it's Xmas lights display, nowt
left it for a few hours
Thought I’d buggered it completely.
So i put it all together and it was still as dead as a dodo.
Through curiosity, i connected 5v to the power socket and it came back to life
So i took it apart again, disconnected the battery, connected my supply and it went into Xmas light mode. So i disconnected the supply and reconnected it, it went into bugger all mode again.
Reconnected battery, nowt, connected 5v and it came back to life in Xmas mode.
The bat is dated 2009
I did find this
AD584LH control board power supply is provided by a lithium battery and can charge the external DC power supply for use, charging UN8HX (5-pin SOT23 package H1JC UN8HX 54B4 H1IE) for lithium flow charge management IC, UN8HX is a constant current / constant voltage charging mode linear single lithium-ion battery charger IC, the charging current up 800m A, UN8HX features include current monitor, undervoltage shutdown, automatic recharge, charge termination status indication and input power is present. 8205A Dual N-Channel MOSFET is used as the lithium protection. Boost the MC34063 (DC-DC switching converter IC), 220uF16V and 101 inductive coils, the main battery (3.7V) voltage increase, the supply voltage to AD584LH purposes. Voltage reference is provided by AD584LH, and 8-pin IC next??guess is used to select a different voltage output.
http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbugworkshop.blogspot.co.uk%2F2012%2F03%2Fad584lh-ad584lh.htmlIt looks like i have to go on the other side of the Dual N-Channel MOSFET, haven’t got a schematic and don't know what doing that will do