I will use this integrated circuit to operate a motor with a 5-6 ampere maksimum current. The motor belongs to a spraying machine used in agriculture.
As far as I know, each output (Qa and Qb) can reach up to 50% duty cycle. For this reason, I am thinking of combining the outputs via a diode. Is there another method? I also want to understand whether a mosfet driver is needed. The pwm circuit will operate around 300-400Hz.
Another question is that a tiny switch potentiometer will be used to turn this circuit on and off. Since the power of the switch will not be able to handle large currents, I am thinking of turning the integrated circuit on and off directly. The gate leg of the mosfet will therefore be connected to chassis with a resistor. The existing circuit was a 555 circuit and was working with a tiny pot. Will this cause a problem?