Hello everyone, I've got a bit of a problem here. My laptop suddenly stopped charging its batteries. Two different packs, one brand new OEM, neither charge. I've tracked it down to the charge controller, I think, and I just wanted some advice on how to test it before I buy a new one and attempt to solder a tiny .50 QFN package.
The controller is a BQ24721 from TI, and the datasheet is
Here's where I am so far: the system is pulling CHGEN low to enable charging. Voltages seem to be good, but the switching MOSFETs seem to not be switching. The gate of the high side mosfet is at battery voltage, and the gate of the low side is at 0v.
The MOSFETs themselves seem to be okay, so I'm thinking that since there's no signal coming out of the drive pins on the controller, it's just quietly died at some point.
Hm, I just had a look at the SDA and SCL lines, and they're both just pulled up to 3.3v. Not sure what that means.
Do you guys think replacing this chip would fix my problem?