Hello everyone, i'm new in this forum and i plan to stay as long as i can
Now let's go to the point.
You kinda failed here. The point is what is your use case? This is the beginners forum so I have to assume you are new to electronics in some form. You could be interested in repair or have hobby interests in a different direction. In any event the point here is that buying a desoldering gun might not be your best move if you are starting out in electronics. In otherwords to get to the point we need more info.
I'm looking for a decent desoldering iron or station around 200€ (better if under ofc), the hakko fr-300 looks good, but VAT included it ends up costing like ~290€, and i want to stay far below that.
Any idea?
I don't have a station at home and the one at work requires a compressed air supply and wasn't cheap So honestly I can't offer good advice. All I can say is that I would make sure I had access to a really good soldering station before worrying about a desoldering station.
By the way, If salvaging for hobby use is something you are thinking about, I've had really good success using a propane torch on the back side of boards with surface mount components I want. The board may be useless afterwards but you can get the components to fall off as soon as the solder melts limiting thermal stress. For through hole I just use a regular iron and solder sucker for hobby use. If your goal is professional though, increase your budget and buy name brand with easy to get supplies in your area. With soldering equipment after the sales support or spare parts if you will is a big factor in a purchase, you don't want to have to rely upon a supplier in China for this stuff. Even if the iron is made in China buy from a local STOCKING distributor. The reality is when you need something, a spare tip of filter for example, getting it overnight is on average worth the cost.
In my mind there is a huge difference between professional use and hobby use and this comes down to spare parts. If you do something bone headed and damage a tip or whole heating element; waiting days for the replacement isn't a problem in a hobby related endeavor. If this is a business you want next day or maybe even the ability to drive into town and get the item.