Funny thing is MS were doing a campaign in Africa, where you could buy a legitimate copy of Windows 98 and XP for a very low price, as part of a hardware upgrade. I bought a lot of USB A to B cables, parallel port cables, power cables and the odd keyboard and mouse using that incentive. Still have a shrink wrapped copy of 98SE around, never used, and at one point had a CD containing all the cabinet files, the setup program, and another directory with 400M of every single Windows update, used to reinstall 98 and get it to the latest version. Format hard drive, copy the 2 directories over, and run setup, then on the first boot enter the key, and then run every single upgrade one after the other, ignoring those hundred reboot requests, till the last one finished, and then a single reboot, with a 20 minute churning of all upgrades getting installed. Then you had a fully updated system, with no massive set of windows updates to do. Saves a lot of time having all updates locally.