Hi guys, I have a doubt about designing cascaded sinc filters: I read I sinc filter is created using a CIC filter.
I've seen, in a decimation filter IC placed behind a sigma-delta modulator, I can use cascaded sinc filters to select desired decimation factor.
Taking a look to CIC filters I need to use following register width:
Register width = Input value register widt + ceiling(sinc order * log2(decimation factor)
I start with 1 bit input value (modulator output), then a 5th order sinc filter, decimation factor by 8.
So 1 + 5*3 = 16 bit
Following sinc filter is a 4th order, decimation factor by 2:
..and so on, but taking care of following sinc filters (different orders, different decimation factors), I get up to 85 bits, while ADC output is 24 bit wide.
What's wrong? Do I really work using 85 bit wide registers?