Arrrggg, all you needed was this beginning part:
(We are still developing, testing and adding code to all the modules. After changes and simulations you cannot expect to cut and paste code without errors and messing things up.)
module geometry_processor (
// inputs
input logic clk, // System clock
input logic reset, // Force reset
input logic fifo_cmd_ready, // 16-bit Data Command Ready signal - connects to the 'strobe' on the selected high.low Z80 bus output port
input logic [15:0] fifo_cmd_in, // 16-bit Data Command bus - connects to the 16-bit output port on the Z80 bus
// data_mux_geo inputs
input logic [15:0] rd_data_in, // input from data_out_geo[15:0]
input logic rd_data_rdy_a, // input from geo_rd_rdy_a
input logic rd_data_rdy_b, // input from geo_rd_rdy_b
input logic ram_mux_busy, // input from geo_port_full
// data_mux_geo outputs
output logic rd_req_a, // output to geo_rd_req_a on data_mux_geo
output logic rd_req_b, // output to geo_rd_req_b on data_mux_geo
output logic wr_ena, // output to geo_wr_ena on data_mux_geo
output logic [19:0] ram_addr, // output to address_geo on data_mux_geo
output logic [15:0] ram_wr_data, // output to data_in_geo on data_mux_geo
// collision saturation counter outputs
output logic [7:0] collision_rd, // output to 1st read port on Z80_bridge_v2
output logic [7:0] collision_wr // output to 2nd read port on Z80_bridge_v2
// wire interconnects for the sub-modules
logic draw_busy ;
logic [35:0] draw_cmd ;
logic draw_cmd_rdy ;
logic fifo_cmd_busy ;
logic [39:0] pixel_cmd ;
logic pixel_cmd_rdy ;
geometry_xy_plotter geoff (
// inputs
.clk ( clk ),
.reset ( reset ),
.fifo_cmd_ready ( fifo_cmd_ready ),
.fifo_cmd_in ( fifo_cmd_in ),
.draw_busy ( draw_busy ),
.draw_cmd_rdy ( draw_cmd_rdy ),
.draw_cmd ( draw_cmd ),
.fifo_cmd_busy ( fifo_cmd_busy )
pixel_address_generator paget (
// inputs
.clk ( clk ),
.reset ( reset ),
.draw_cmd_rdy ( draw_cmd_rdy ),
.draw_cmd ( draw_cmd ),
.draw_busy ( draw_busy ),
// outputs
.pixel_cmd_rdy ( pixel_cmd_rdy ),
.pixel_cmd ( pixel_cmd )
geo_pixel_writer pixie (
// inputs
.clk ( clk ),
.reset ( reset ),
.cmd_rdy ( pixel_cmd_rdy ),
.cmd_in ( pixel_cmd ),
.rd_data_in ( rd_data_in ),
.rd_data_rdy_a ( rd_data_rdy_a ),
.rd_data_rdy_b ( rd_data_rdy_b ),
.ram_mux_busy ( ram_mux_busy ),
.collision_rd_rst ( 1'b0 ),
.collision_wr_rst ( 1'b0 ),
// outputs
.draw_busy ( draw_busy ),
.rd_req_a ( rd_req_a ),
.rd_req_b ( rd_req_b ),
.wr_ena ( wr_ena ),
.ram_addr ( ram_addr ),
.ram_wr_data ( ram_wr_data ),
.collision_rd ( collision_rd ),
.collision_wr ( collision_wr )
Redo it with just that.
Remember all you need to do in Quartus is add-files-to project and add all the separate source files. Quartus will seek out the initiated module names in all the source files which you are calling inside this '' and automatically link in the code. You can even add source files from another directory where you are doing the simulating and editing. But I personally prefer just copying over each proven single .sv file to my main project folder when changes have been certified.
Also, even if you arent using them, make sure you list all the inputs and output of each module when calling their instances. And don't forget the parameters. They are also missing. To fix the FMAX, it may just be a parameter change.