Ok, here is a new fix for the Z80 bridge:
module Z80_bridge (
// input
input wire reset, // GPU reset signal
input wire GPU_CLK, // GPU clock (125 MHz)
input wire Z80_CLK, // Microcom clock signal (8 MHz)
input wire Z80_M1n, // Z80 M1 - active LOW
input wire Z80_MREQn, // Z80 MREQ - active LOW
input wire Z80_WRn, // Z80 WR - active LOW
input wire Z80_RDn, // Z80 RD - active LOW
input wire [21:0] Z80_addr, // Microcom 22-bit address bus
input wire [7:0] Z80_wData, // Z80 DATA bus to pass incoming data to GPU RAM
input wire [7:0] gpu_rData,
input wire gpu_rd_rdy, // one-shot signal from mux that data is ready
// output
output reg Z80_245data_dir, // control level converter direction for data flow - HIGH = A -> B (toward FPGA)
output reg [7:0] Z80_rData, // Z80 DATA bus to return data from GPU RAM to Z80
output reg Z80_rData_ena, // flag HIGH to write data back to Z80
output reg Z80_245_oe, // OE for 245 level translator *** ACTIVE LOW ***
output reg gpu_wr_ena, // flag HIGH for 1 clock when writing to GPU RAM
output reg gpu_rd_req, // flag HIGH for 1 clock when reading from GPU RAM
output reg [19:0] gpu_addr, // connect to Z80_addr in vid_osd_generator to address GPU RAM
output reg [7:0] gpu_wdata, // 8-bit data bus to GPU RAM in vid_osd_generator
input wire sel_pclk, // make HIGH to trigger the Z80 bus on the positive edge of Z80_CLK
input wire sel_nclk // make LOW to trigger the Z80 bus on the negative edge of Z80_CLK
// TODO:
// 1) Prevent reads to GPU RAM above top of GPU RAM
// 2) Respond with appropriate data to any requests from Microcom ROM identification routines
parameter MEMORY_RANGE = 3'b010; // Z80_addr[21:19] == 3'b010 targets the 512KB 'window' at 0x100000-0x17FFFF (Socket 3 on the Microcom)
parameter DELAY_CYCLES = 0; // number of cycles to delay write for 245
parameter MEM_SIZE_BITS = 15; // number of cycles to delay write for 245
wire mem_window, Z80_mreq, Z80_write, Z80_read, Write_GPU_RAM;
wire Read_GPU_RAM_BEGIN, Read_GPU_RAM_END, mem_valid_range;
wire Z80_clk_pos,Z80_clk_neg,Z80_clk_trig;
reg Z80_clk_delay;
reg [9:0] Z80_write_sequencer;
//reg [18:0] rd_addr;
//assign mem_valid = (rd_addr[15] == 1'b0); // HIGH if address is inside GPU RAM bounds (GPU RAM may not fill the 512KB host memory window, so this flag determines if the address is within GPU RAM bounds)
assign Z80_clk_pos = ~Z80_clk_delay && Z80_CLK;
assign Z80_clk_neg = Z80_clk_delay && ~Z80_CLK;
assign Z80_clk_trig = (Z80_clk_pos && sel_pclk) || (Z80_clk_neg && ~sel_nclk);
assign mem_window = (Z80_addr[21:19] == MEMORY_RANGE); // Define an active memory range
assign Z80_mreq = ~Z80_MREQn && Z80_M1n; // Define a bus memory access state
assign Z80_write = ~Z80_WRn; // Isolate a single write transaction
assign Z80_read = ~Z80_RDn; // Isolate a single read transaction
assign Write_GPU_RAM = mem_window && Z80_mreq && Z80_write; // Define a GPU Write action - only write to address within GPU RAM bounds
assign Read_GPU_RAM_BEGIN = mem_window && Z80_mreq && Z80_read; // Define the beginning of a Z80 read request of GPU Ram.
assign Read_GPU_RAM_END = ~Z80_read ; // Define the ending of a Z80 read request of GPU Ram.
assign mem_valid_range = (gpu_addr < 2**MEM_SIZE_BITS); // Define GPU addressable memory space
// **********************************************************************************************************
always @ (posedge GPU_CLK) begin
Z80_write_sequencer[9:0] <= { Z80_write_sequencer[8:0], Write_GPU_RAM };
if ( Write_GPU_RAM ) Z80_245data_dir <= 1'b1; // set 245 dir toward FPGA
if ( Write_GPU_RAM ) Z80_rData_ena <= 1'b0; // set FPGA pins to input (should be by default)
if ( Write_GPU_RAM ) Z80_245_oe <= 1'b0; // enable 245 output (WAS 1 - moved forward to step 0)
if ( Z80_write_sequencer[DELAY_CYCLES] ) gpu_addr <= Z80_addr[18:0];// latch address bus onto GPU address bus
if ( Z80_write_sequencer[DELAY_CYCLES] ) gpu_wdata <= Z80_wData; // latch data bus onto GPU data bus
if ( Z80_write_sequencer[DELAY_CYCLES] ) gpu_wr_ena <= 1'b1; // turn on FPGA RAM we
if ( Z80_write_sequencer[DELAY_CYCLES + 2] ) gpu_wr_ena <= 1'b0; // turn off FPGA RAM we (WAS STEP +2, now STEP +3 for additional WR)
if ( Read_GPU_RAM_BEGIN ) begin
gpu_addr <= Z80_addr[18:0];// pass address to GPU RAM (cropped to 512KB range as that's all we're interested in)
gpu_rd_req <= 1'b1; // flag a read request to the mux which is one-shotted in the mux
Z80_245data_dir <= 1'b0; // set 245 direction (TO Z80)
Z80_245_oe <= 1'b0; // enable 245 output
Z80_rData_ena <= 1'b1; // set bidir pins to output
end else begin
gpu_rd_req <= 1'b0; // end GPU read req after 1 pulse
if ( Read_GPU_RAM_END && ~Write_GPU_RAM ) begin
Z80_245_oe <= 1'b1; // disable 245 output
Z80_rData_ena <= 1'b0; // re-set bidir pins to input
if ( gpu_rd_rdy ) begin
if (mem_valid_range) Z80_rData[7:0] <= gpu_rData[7:0];// Latch the GPU RAM read into the output register for the Z80
else Z80_rData[7:0] <= 8'b11111111; // return $FF if addressed byte is outside the GPU's upper RAM limit
//last_Z80_WR <= Z80_WRn;
//last_Z80_RD <= Z80_RDn;
Z80_clk_delay <= Z80_CLK; // find the rising clock edge
// **********************************************************************************************************
When not reading, it would always reset the 245 buffer even if a write was being performed. I had to make a few changes...