How do you keep on making multiple changes to multiple working modules at multiple times?
Here is the functional original 'bitplane_to_raster.v'
module bitplane_to_raster (
// inputs
input wire clk,
input wire pixel_in_ena,
input wire [3:0] pc_ena,
input wire [15:0] ram_byte_in, // ****** changed to 16 bit width
input wire [7:0] ram_byte_h,
input wire [7:0] bg_colour,
input wire [9:0] x_in,
input wire [2:0] colour_mode_in,
input wire two_byte_mode,
// outputs
output reg pixel_out_ena,
output reg mode_16bit, // high when in 16-bit mode
output reg [7:0] pixel_out,
output reg [7:0] pixel_out_h,
output reg [9:0] x_out,
output reg [2:0] colour_mode_out
// internal registers
//reg [7:0] colour_data;
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
always @ ( posedge clk ) begin
if (pc_ena[3:0] == 0) begin
x_out <= x_in;
//colour_data <= ram_byte_in; // in two-byte mode, colour_data should follow the ram_data byte
colour_mode_out <= colour_mode_in;
end // pc_ena
end // always@clk
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// color_mode_in determines the operating mode for the bitplane_to_raster module
// it is a 3-bit signal, providing 4 modes of operation to this module e.g.:
// 000 = 2 colour mode - 8 pixels per byte in GPU RAM
// 001 = 4 colour mode - 4 pixels -----"------"------
// 010 = 16 colour mode - 2 pixels -----"------"------
// 011 = 256 colour mode - 1 pixels -----"------"------
// 1xx = OFF
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (pc_ena[3:0] == 0) begin
pixel_out_ena <= pixel_in_ena; // pass pixel_ena through to the output
if (~pixel_in_ena || colour_mode_in[2]) begin
// nothing to see here (disabled)
pixel_out <= 8'b00000000;
pixel_out_h <= 8'b00000000;
else if (~two_byte_mode) begin // 8-bit mode
case (colour_mode_in)
2'h0 : begin // 1-bit (2 colour) - 8 pixels per byte
// set the output pixel color to the first 4 bits of the background color
// when the bit on the picture bitplane byte is 0 and use the upper 4 bits
// when the bit on the bit-plane byte is high
mode_16bit <= 1'b0; // update mode_16bit output to 8-bit mode
if (ram_byte_in[(~x_in[2:0])] == 1'b1) begin
pixel_out[7:4] <= 4'b0000; // was: pixel_out[7:5] <= 3'b000;
//pixel_out[4] <= 1'b1; // changed for new palette_mixer module
pixel_out[3:0] <= bg_colour[7:4];
else begin
pixel_out[7:4] <= 4'b0000;
//pixel_out[4] <= 1'b0;
pixel_out[3:0] <= bg_colour[3:0];
2'h1 : begin // 2-bit (4 colour) - 4 pixels per byte
// output will be 2 bits stacked, 2 copies every second X pixel, you will
// output a 2 bit color. EG pixel 0&1 output bitplane[7:6], pixel 2&3
// output bitplane[5:4], pixel 4&5 output bitplane[3:2]
mode_16bit <= 1'b0; // update mode_16bit output to 8-bit mode
pixel_out[7:2] <= 6'b000000;
case (x_in[2:1])
2'h0 : begin
pixel_out[1:0] <= ram_byte_in[7:6];
2'h1 : begin
pixel_out[1:0] <= ram_byte_in[5:4];
2'h2 : begin
pixel_out[1:0] <= ram_byte_in[3:2];
2'h3 : begin
pixel_out[1:0] <= ram_byte_in[1:0];
2'h2 : begin // 4-bit (16 colour) - 2 pixels per byte
// output will be 4 bits stacked, 4 copies every four X pixel, you will
// output a 4 bit color. EG pixel 0,1,2,3 output bitplane[7:4], EG pixel
// 4,5,6,7 output bitplane[3:0]
mode_16bit <= 1'b0; // update mode_16bit output to 8-bit mode
pixel_out[7:4] <= 4'b0000;
if (x_in[3])
pixel_out[3:0] <= ram_byte_in[3:0];
pixel_out[3:0] <= ram_byte_in[7:4];
2'h3 : begin // 8-bit (256 colour) - 1 pixel per byte
// output will be 8 bits stacked, 8 copies every eight X pixel, you will
// output a 4 bit color. EG pixel 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 output bitplane[7:0],
// yes that same 1 value will repeat 8 times is the source X counter
// counts through those numbers sequentially
mode_16bit <= 1'b0; // update the mode output to show whether it's 8 or 16-bit mode
pixel_out <= ram_byte_in[7:0];
end // 8-bit mode
else begin // 16-bit mode
case (colour_mode_in)
2'h0 : begin // special colour text mode
// 2-bit colour 2-byte mode
// latch ram_byte as the bit plane graphic and colour_data
// as a replacement for the background default color. The
// rest should follow #1.
mode_16bit <= 1'b0; // update mode_16bit output to 8-bit mode
if (ram_byte_in[(~x_in[2:0])] == 1'b1) begin
pixel_out[7:5] <= 3'b000;
pixel_out[4] <= 1'b1;
pixel_out[3:0] <= ram_byte_h[7:4];
else begin
pixel_out[7:5] <= 3'b000;
pixel_out[4] <= 1'b0;
pixel_out[3:0] <= ram_byte_h[3:0];
2'h3 : begin // 16-bit (true colour)
// taking 2 sequential bytes, like the color text mode, and outputting
// a full 16 bits parallel on the output
mode_16bit <= 1'b1; // update mode_16bit output to 16-bit mode
pixel_out <= ram_byte_in[7:0];
pixel_out_h <= ram_byte_h;
end // 16-bit mode
end // if (pc_ena[3:0] == 0)
end // always@clk
Here is the original working initiation of that module:
bitplane_to_raster b2r_1(
// inputs
.bg_colour( GPU_HW_Control_regs[10] ),
.x_in( dly6_disp_x ),
.colour_mode_in( GPU_HW_Control_regs[12][2:0] ),
.two_byte_mode( GPU_HW_Control_regs[11][0] ),
// outputs
.pixel_out_ena( pixel_out_ena ),
.mode_16bit( pixel_out_top_16bit ),
.pixel_out( pixel_out_top ),
.pixel_out_h( pixel_out_top_h ),
.x_out(), // disconnected for moment
.colour_mode_out() // disconnected for moment
Now, we are left with you error on MAGGIE when " Creating Symbol Files For Current File " :
It's a Quartus bug, or we just don't have the ' Perfect Syntax ' Quartus is expecting.
Temporarily change the line to:
.hw_regs( GPU_HW_Control_regs[2**HW_REGS_SIZE] ),
Then 'Creating Symbol Files For Current File'.
Then change the line back to:
.hw_regs( GPU_HW_Control_regs[0:(2**HW_REGS_SIZE-1)] ),
Then compile the project.
In maggie, all these are wrong:
// registers
reg ram_read_pointer_y[19:0];
reg ram_read_pointer_x[23:0];
reg period_x[4:0];
reg period_y[4:0];
reg h_trig_delay[7:0];
The [#:#] belongs on the left side when defining a reg. The right side is to define an array size.
I'm going to check what's up with Quartus not liking the 'regs[0:(2**HW_REGS_SIZE-1)] ' inside a function, but my trick listed above for now will work.